Today was a horrific day for America. The country lost face in a most humiliating way. Its soldiers were forced out of Afghanistan with their tails between their legs while Muslim terrorists carried out terrorist attacks, killing as many as 40 people and injuring 120. At least four of those killed were American servicemen, according to a new WSJ breaking news update.

Those of us born after the Vietnam disaster haven’t seen anything like this in our lifetimes. America humiliated. There’s just no other way to put it.

Donald Trump Jr. shares this view of today’s happenings. And he blames the only person who should be blamed: President Joe Biden.

“So are we talking about impeachment yet?” the former first son wonders. “Asking for a friend who was impeached for a phone call but definitely wouldn’t strand thousands of American Civilians behind terrorist enemy lines!”

And right he is. Donald Trump signed the agreement with the Taliban to withdraw. That’s certainly true. And he was right to do so. After all, the United States has been in Afghanistan for 20 years. If the local government still can’t take care of itself, it never will.

But… Trump Sr. would never have allowed the Taliban and IS (in the Khorasan) to humiliate America, and therefore him, like this.

What Biden is allowing to happen is disgraceful. I was born in 1984 and I’ve never seen anything like it. The most powerful country on earth is letting itself be humiliated and disgraced. It’s behaving like a tiny, powerless little non-state like, say, Belgium. This is a great day, a day to rejoice, for anyone who hates America,

As it is, I can only watch with embarrassment and sadness. Letting Afghans take care of themselves is one thing. But Biden allowing the Taliban and ISIS to wreak havoc and even to kill American troops — and get away with it! — is simply disgusting.

If this doesn’t earn him impeachment, nothing will.

Source: PJ Media

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