ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 20: South Australian Premier Steven Marshall announces restrictions being eased in South Australia after a lie given to contact tracers about the Woodville pizza bar sparked South Australia's lockdown at the Daily COVID-19 update media conference on November 20, 2020 in Adelaide, Australia. South Australian premier Steven Marshall has imposed lockdown restrictions across the state for six days as health authorities work to contain an outbreak of COVID-19 in the community. The new restrictions came into effect at 12:01 on Thursday 19 November, with all South Australians required to stay home for the next six days and only able to leave home for essential purposes. People cannot leave their homes to exercise and only one person per household can visit a supermarket per day. All schools are closed except for children of essential workers and vulnerable children while childcare will be open only to essential workers. Aged care and residential disability care is in lockdown. Takeaway food outlets, restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs and other food venues are closed and non-essential business and industry will shut down while weddings and funerals will be banned for six days. The use of face masks or face coverings outside the home are encouraged but not mandatory. (Photo by Kelly Barnes/Getty Images)

ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA – NOVEMBER 20: South Australian Premier Steven Marshall announces restrictions being eased in South Australia after a lie given to contact tracers about the Woodville pizza bar sparked South Australia’s lockdown at the Daily COVID-19 update media conference on November 20, 2020 in Adelaide, Australia. (Photo by Kelly Barnes/Getty Images)

The state of South Australia is rolling out a government check-in app for at-home quarantine. The recently released app requires participants to send their geolocation and a face scan within 15 minutes of a government request.

The app, “Orwellian,” was introduced to allow South Australians to quarantine at home instead of a hotel, which has been the procedure thus far. A 14-day quarantine period has been mandated for all Australians traveling out of their state, while international travel is still largely forbidden.

The state’s premier, Steven Marshall, said the app is being tested in South Australia before being implemented throughout the whole country.

“The home quarantine app is for a selected cohort of returning South Australians who have applied to be a part of the trial,” said a government spokesperson. “If successful, it will help safely ease the burden of travel restrictions associated with the pandemic.”

Source: One America News Network

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