During an interview with Fox News, Larry Elder said that he would support legislation banning Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public schools.

Elder, who is the frontrunner among candidates opposing California Governor Gavin Newsom in the upcoming recall election, said, “My preference is for local school boards to decide what the curriculum is, but I think this is so bad and so insulting that I would look into some legislation like that.”

Critical Race Theory “teaches little white boys and girls that they are oppressors and little black boys and girls that they are eternal victims,” Elder added.

The California School Board Association (CSBA) defines critical race theory (CRT) as follows:

CRT is a practice of interrogating race and racism in society and the ways in which it impacts people. CRT emphasizes race as a social construct (a classification system developed by society that can change over time, rather than fixed biological categories) with social significance, not a biological reality. It acknowledges that racism is embedded within systems and institutions that replicate racial inequality — codified in law, embedded in structures, and woven into public policy. 

“Some critics of CRT have mistaken or mislabeled any discussion of equity, diversity or ethnic studies as equivalent to CRT. Although certain approaches to ethnic studies may incorporate elements of CRT — as these concepts are both concerned with how race is constructed and the political, historical, social and cultural effects of race and ethnicity — they are not synonymous or interchangeable,” the CSBA claims. “Ethnic studies predates CRT and began in the 1960s as an attempt to correct the lack of access, misrepresentation and neglect of indigenous peoples and people of color through better representation of the experiences, contributions, culture, art and politics of groups whose stories where typically overlooked or underplayed in the curriculum. As typically taught in K-12 schools today, ethnic studies aims to build greater appreciation, understanding and respect between students of different backgrounds.”

“I submit to you that systemic racism is not the problem and critical race theory and reparations are not the answer,” Elder said, adding that parents need “an option where they can send their kids to a school that teaches this kind of nonsense and give them an option to put their kid in another school that doesn’t teach that. That’s my preference.” 

The recall election will take place on September 14. According to the latest polls, 53.3% of Californians want to keep Newsom as Governor, while 42.7% want him removed. If Newsom is recalled, with a plurality required to emerge victorious, Elder leads all other candidates by at least 14 points, with 22.3.% of the vote. Democrat Kevin Paffrath is in second place with 8.3%.

“Californians know we can do better. The problem is Gavin Newsom, our arrogant out-of-touch governor, has got to go. And I hope that I will be the person you choose to be his successor,” Elder states on his campaign website. “Don’t feel bad for him. He can always retreat to his winery, you know, the one that remained open during the pandemic. The man has got to go!”

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Source: Dailywire

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