Capitol Police officials who conducted an internal investigation into the January 6 riots are recommending disciplinary action be taken against six officers.

The department probed officers involved in 26 cases, but found no wrongdoing in 20 of them. “In the six cases, disciplinary action was recommended for violations including ‘conduct unbecoming,’ failure to comply with directions, improper remarks and improper dissemination of information,” a department statement said, according to The Daily Mail.

“The department’s statement came after Democratic U.S. Representative Tim Ryan said two officers had been suspended for their actions that day. One had taken a selfie with a protester, while another wore a Trump-supporting hat and had directed rioters around the building,” the Mail reported.

The department laid out all the details in its statement:

After January 6, the United States Capitol Police promised to provide an update on its internal investigations related to the attack.

This week, the USCP provided the Department of Justice the administrative cases as part of the ongoing discovery production in the prosecution of the January 6 rioters. Officer names, witness names, and complainant names were redacted.

The USCP’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) launched 38 internal investigations. The U.S. Attorney’s Office did not find sufficient evidence that any of the officers committed a crime.

OPR was able to identify the officers involved in 26 of the cases. (Some complaints did not contain enough information to identify the officer at the center of the complaint.)

In 20 of the cases, no wrongdoing was found.

Violations were sustained and disciplinary action was recommended in six cases;

  • Three for conduct unbecoming
  • One for failure to comply with directives
  • One for improper remarks
  • One for improper dissemination of information
  • Another case about an official who is accused of unsatisfactory performance and conduct unbecoming is still pending. The administrative investigation started after a criminal investigation, in which charges were not filed.

USCP internal investigations, including any recommended disciplinary actions, as well as personnel matters are not public information.

The Department is committed to accountability when officers fail to meet the standards governed by USCP policies and the Congressional Community’s expectations.

The six sustained cases should not diminish the heroic efforts of the United States Capitol Police officers.

On January 6, the bravery and courage exhibited by the vast majority of our employees was inspiring.

More than 600 people face charges in the riot in which a large mob loyal to then-President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol as lawmakers prepared to certify the election victory for President Joe Biden.

On January 6, Trump delivered an hour long speech on the National Mall in which he said the “emboldened radical-left Democrats” and the media had conspired against him.

“We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore,” he declared.

At one point, Trump pointed toward the Capitol down Constitution Avenue, saying: “After this, we’re going to walk down there, and I’ll be there with you, we’re going to walk down … to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women.”

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Source: Dailywire

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