Trump operative Matt Braynard and his organization “Look Ahead America” are planning a rally in Washington, D.C., to support those still languishing in jail for their part in the mostly peaceful January 6 protest-turned-melee.

More than 600 people have been arrested, most of them for misdemeanors. Many non-violent offenders were locked up with no chance of bail.

January 6 detainee FAST FACTS:

  • Many are in solitary confinement, making them look more like political prisoners
  • One was reportedly beaten so badly by guards that he lost vision in one eye
  • Detainees report they aren’t allowed to speak privately with their lawyers
  • Republican Reps have tried to speak on their behalf to the DOJ and the prison warden, only to get shunned by both
  • Despite the lefty histrionics, no one has thus far been charged with “sedition“

Congressional security officials are expected to reinstall a fence around the Capitol and are even authorizing the use of deadly force—in case those elderly, unarmed MAGA grannies show up for “Insurrection” 2.0.

“We intend to have the integrity of the Capitol be intact,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated. “What happened on January 6 was such an assault on this beautiful Capitol, under the dome that Lincoln built during the Civil War.”

Important to note: The National Guard is, once again, not being brought in to help with security.

FACT-O-RAMA! Six Capitol cops are in trouble for, among other things, posing for selfies with protestors. Yet Ashli Babbitt’s killer was exonerated, twice, for shooting the unarmed mother. He even considers himself a hero.

Not everyone on Trump’s side thinks this rally is a good idea. The Proud Boys are looking at it as a “false flag” event meant to entrap even more Trumpsters.

Messages from the Proud Boys Telegram channel show that the pro-Trump antifa-boppers aren’t interested in attending the rally.

“We aren’t going and you shouldn’t either because everybody going to jail. Sounds like bait,” stated one message.

“If you rally in DC right now, you’re an idiot and you’re going to get people thrown in jail or worse,” the group added.

Source: PJ Media

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