On Monday, CNN ran an “analysis” of the differences between the United States and the repressive Communist Chinese regarding gun rights, with statements such as these: “China’s gun control policy is broadly popular among the public, which — like many in the international community — views US gun crime with bewilderment and horror.”

The article began by reporting of a fatal shooting in China’s Wuhan city, then commented, “The fatal shooting shocked many in China, which has some of the world’s strictest gun control laws — so much so, that some people thought initial reports were about yet another American shooting.”

“The two countries stand on opposite ends of the spectrum of gun control, with the right to bear arms legally protected and vehemently defended in one, and a near-total ban on civilian firearm ownership in the other,” the authors stated, then added, “The difference is stark when it comes to public safety. Despite being the world’s most populous country, with 1.4 billion residents, China only records a few dozen gun crimes a year. And more broadly, violent crime has continued falling, reaching its lowest level in 20 years in 2020, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua. Meanwhile, the US reports hundreds of mass shootings with four or more victims every year, with more than 475 such incidents recorded so far in 2021 — not to mention many more gun deaths like suicides.”

The article compared the American Revolution to the Communist Chinese war against the nationalist government in the late 1940’s: “The two countries’ opposite approaches are especially striking given both nations were born from armed insurrection — the US winning its independence in the Revolutionary War in 1783, and the Chinese Communist Party establishing the People’s Republic of China in 1949 after a lengthy rebellion against the Nationalist government.”

The authors note, “By 1996, a national gun control law had been promulgated by the National People’s Congress, China’s rubber-stamp legislature. Under the law, only a few groups of people are allowed to own guns, including law enforcement, security personnel, government-approved sports shooters and government-approved hunters. The Communist Party’s grip has only grown tighter under President Xi Jinping.”

The authors claim, “China’s gun control policy is broadly popular among the public, which — like many in the international community — views US gun crime with bewilderment and horror.”

In July, a media outlet run by the Communist Chinese government tweeted a cartoon mocking the U.S. Second Amendment. American Military News reported:

The Chinese media outlet Xinhua News tweeted, “How a gun-happy nation spends its #FourthofJuly weekend,” with a pair of U.S. political figures sharing a toast “To freedom,” with a third gun-wielding figure adding “… of shooting!” The blood-splattered gun-wielding figure also danced by a gravestone marked “Death from firearm.”

Chinese cultural ambassador Zhang Heqing shared the tweet, writing, “With gun violence happening almost every day, how much could the human rights be guaranteed? Can that also be called the so-called freedom?”

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Source: Dailywire

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