Amid the spiraling border fiasco in Del Rio, Texas, where over ten thousand undocumented migrants have been camping under a bridge while waiting to be processed by border personnel, a new poll shows that 56 percent of Americans don’t trust President Biden to make wise immigration policy decisions.

Thirty-seven percent of Americans are “not at all confident” while 20 percent are “not too confident” in Biden’s handling of the immigration issue, according to a Thursday survey conducted by Pew Research. Biden’s approval for immigration policy-making dropped seven percent among Republicans, twelve percent among Democrats, and ten percent among Independents from March 2021 to September 2021, the poll indicates.

An estimated 600,000 migrants have been released into the United States this year with notices to appear or report. Many of the migrants have been admitted under the refugee umbrella despite lacking legitimate clams to asylum. Hundreds of thousands more have been recorded as “got-aways” who escaped into the country without any processing.

Among the blunders likely factoring into Biden’s low confidence rating on the immigration issue is the current situation in Del Rio, Texas, where overwhelmed Border Patrol agents have been struggling to apprehend and process thousands of mostly Haitian migrants streaming across the border. During a visit Saturday, Republican Representative August Pfluger noted that nearly 15,000 migrants had gathered at the port of entry, up from 12,000 just the day before, with “hundreds more gathering every hour.”

Migrants constructed temporary encampments under the bridge by the Rio Grande river as shelters, while officials sent toilets, water, medical supplies and other humanitarian aid.

“Speaking to Border Patrol agents, the worst is yet to come, they’re worried about what is behind here, they’re worried about co-ordination with Mexico,” Pfluger told Fox News. “It’s worse than you could imagine,” he added.

In the last week, the Biden administration also received criticism from Democrats, many of whom called the border circumstances a humanitarian crisis. Lawmakers such as Representative Maxine Waters slammed the Biden administration and the border patrol for allowing what she perceived as agents’ use of inhuman methods to corral the massive surge of migrants entering the country. Amid the accusations that officers wielded whips on horseback to manage the influx, a claim that was later debunked, Waters declared that those who approved the practice “are trying to bring us back to slavery days and worse than that.”

Source: National Review

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