In New York City, one of the bluest cities in the country, a diverse crowd of New Yorkers on Monday marched in the second “NYC Walkout” organized by “Teachers For Choice.”

Protestors carried signs that read, among other things, “Consent Matters” and “Make 1984 Fiction Again.” There were also signs with the now-ubiquitous “F*CK Joe Biden.”

Thousands took to the streets to oppose the tyrannical vaccination mandates of Mayor de Blasio and Governor Hochul. Many chanted, “Wake up, New York.”

De Blasio’s mandate states people need an ID and a vaccination passport to enter a gym, bar, restaurant, etc. However, New Yorkers don’t need an ID to vote.

Governor Hochul declared that every New York healthcare worker has until Monday to get vaccinated, otherwise they’ll be out of a job. Almost 72,000 New York healthcare employees were set to be fired on Monday night if they chose to not get vaccinated. Most won’t be eligible for unemployment benefits.

Hochul also gave New York teachers until October 1, 2021, to get vaccinated, or they’ll lose their jobs as well.

“We believe it should be everyone’s choice. We are responsible for our health not the government. Sending thousands of people to the unemployment and poverty lines because of their medical choice is tyranny.”-  Jo Rose, spokesperson for “Teachers For Choice”

In the meantime, Hochul gave herself more power to deal with an expected loss of 16% of the state’s healthcare workers.

“I will be signing an executive order to give me the emergency powers necessary to address these shortages where they occur,” Hochul stated at a speech in the Bronx.

Oh good.

Governor Hochul went so far as to tell an audience that God wants people to get the vaccine. Sounding a bit like a TV evangelist, she further sucked up to her audience by telling them they are the “smart ones” because they are vaccinated. She then implored them to be her “apostles” and spread the word of the vaccine. Oddly, she then segued into a rant on systemic racism.

It is not yet known if or when “Teachers For Choice” will protest again.

Source: PJ Media

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