Republican Gov. Kristi Noem (SD) on Tuesday slammed the media for “trying to destroy” her children, following a report from the Associated Press claiming Noem engaged in a conflict of interest — a claim the governor’s officer has denied as a wholly political attack.

“Just days after a South Dakota agency moved to deny her daughter’s application to become a certified real estate appraiser, Gov. Kristi Noem summoned to her office the state employee who ran the agency, the woman’s direct supervisor and the state labor secretary,” The Associated Press reported Tuesday. “Noem’s daughter attended too. Kassidy Peters, then 26, ultimately obtained the certification in November 2020, four months after the meeting at her mother’s office.”

Peters told the AP, “My upgrade to become a Certified Residential Appraiser was very lengthy and I was expected to navigate through many obstacles from the very beginning.”

“I’m glad I have it now and that I have the privilege to serve my clients in South Dakota,” she added.

“Listen I get it,” Noem posted to Twitter. “I signed up for this job. But now the media is trying to destroy my children.”

The Republican then slammed legacy media for ignoring or even running cover for numerous scandals concerning President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. “This story is just another example of the double standard that exists with the media… going after conservatives and their kids while ignoring Liberals #AskTheBigGuy,” she wrote. 

Noem spokesman Ian Fury told Fox News the attack was completely political.

“The Associated Press is disparaging the Governor’s daughter in order to attack the Governor politically – no wonder Americans’ trust in the media is at an all-time low,” Fury said. “South Dakota is open for business. We won’t allow bureaucratic red tape to get in the way of South Dakota’s sustained economic growth.”

“Having more quality appraisers in the market will help keep our housing market moving and home prices down,” the spokesman added.

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Source: Dailywire

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