A school district in Washington state allegedly provided training to teachers that determined their “privilege” according to a “Privilege Pie” chart.

“One exercise in Tumwater School District’s ‘privilege’ training included ‘The Privilege Pie,’ where participants were told to color in sections prevalent to them, the teacher told advocacy group Parents Defending Education,” the Daily Caller reported. “The privileged identities included being white, a cisgender male, having an upper/middle class social status, Christian beliefs and a heterosexual sexual orientation.”

The teacher, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, told the advocacy group that the “more we colored in, the more privileged we were,” and the “less color you had on the pie chart, the less privileged you were.”

“We were asked to examine our privilege,” the teacher said.

“The school district hired a lady as a consultant to train some teachers and then those teachers provided the training to us during our early release time,” the teacher added. “I was so upset because we have so much to do and I would really prefer to use that time to design effective instruction or communicate with families. Instead, I’m sitting there for 2 hours learning about how I am privileged because of my skin color and about micro-aggressions.”

The teacher also described how no one at the training felt comfortable speaking up.

“Because everyone was terrified to contribute to the discussion we were supposed to be having, lest we offend someone with one of the many micro-aggressions we had just learned about, the room was awkwardly silent for most of the time. The thing is, we started with these norms about respect of others’ views, etc., but we all knew darn well that if anyone like me shared their views on it, we would be shunned,” the teacher said.

Parents Defending Education included a few slides from the training presentation, which began by saying “We’re white. We’re interested. How do we get started?”

One slide, titled “Pyramid of White Supremacy” explains that “In a pyramid, every brick depends on the ones below it for support. If the bricks at the bottom are removed, the whole structure comes tumbling down.”

At the bottom of the “pyramid,” is the label “indifference,” which includes statements such as “Politics doesn’t affect me,” “Two Sides to Every Story,” and “Remaining Apolitical.” These are the bricks the training suggests must be remove in order to combat the top of the pyramid, which says “Genocide.”

Another slide explains the difference between traditional justice and so-called restorative justice. Instead of “establishing guilt,” like traditional justice, restorative justice allegedly aims to identify “needs and obligations.” The slide also claims traditional justice provides “no opportunity for remorse or amends” while restorative justice does. This ignores the ability for convicted criminals to be granted parole (which doesn’t always work) and the recent trend of social justice activists harassing someone until they are fired for perceived injustices, such as this recent example.

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Source: Dailywire

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