President Joe Biden’s administration reversed former President Donald Trump’s ban on taxpayer-funded abortions this week.

“Our nation’s family planning clinics play a critical role in delivering health care, and today more than ever, we are making clear that access to quality family planning care includes accurate information and referrals — based on a patient’s needs and direction,” Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, who has a radical pro-abortionist track record, said in a statement.

Under Trump, any facilities that kill babies in the womb were not entitled to direct Title X federal funding, and taxpayer-funded services such as pregnancy tests, birth control, and testing for sexually transmitted diseases had to be “physically and financially separate from facilities that perform abortions.”

The 2019 policy also stopped centers from referring people directly to clinics to get an abortion. Planned Parenthood chose to leave the program because of it.

The administration threatened to scale back the Trump policy earlier this year when Biden wrote a memo claiming that the ban put “women’s health at risk by making it harder for women to receive complete medical information.” Beginning Nov. 8 under Biden’s new rule, however, taxpayers will be funding facilities that proudly abort unborn babies.

The change is framed by officials such as the assistant secretary for health, Dr. Rachel Levine, as a way to “provide quality family planning services to more clients,” but pro-life activists say it is detrimental.

“Abortion is the destruction of innocent human life, not ‘family planning,’” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser in a statement. “The strong majority of Americans oppose using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion on demand. The Protect Life Rule respected their will, as well as the plain statutory language of Title X – yet from day one, Joe Biden and his administration have worked to pay back the abortion lobby that spent millions to elect them.”

Source: The Federalist

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