Alleged Texas high school mass shooter Timothy Simpkins has walked out of jail after having his meager $75,000 bond posted.

Simpkins is accused of shooting at least three people last Wednesday after a fight. He allegedly used a .45-caliber handgun, a weapon he supposedly did not legally own. He is being charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a gun.

He is accused of shooting the kid he fought with, as well as a teacher and another student. Another person was somehow injured in the fracas. Everyone is expected to survive.

It should be remembered that Kyle Rittenhouse spent several months in jail and was released on $2 million bail after allegedly shooting three people in self-defense with a gun he was legally allowed to carry.

Some of the January 6 prisoners have been languishing in solitary confinement, some for almost eight months, with no bond or bail offered by judges. Some have been charged with violent crimes. None of them shot anyone.

FACT-O-RAMA! The difference between bond and bail: People arrested and granted bond only need 10% of the bond amount, which is paid to a bond company that supplies the rest of the money. Bail needs to be paid in full. The 10% of the bond is non-returnable. Bail money can be returned if the suspect shows up for trial.

Here is a video of Timothy Simpkins in the fight that preceded the shooting:

Simpkins’ family has a lot of excuses as to why their son shot at least three people. It seems he was bullied for having nice things that other students didn’t have (like a gun?).

They also claim his father was beaten to death and Simpkins feared the same thing might happen to him.

“There are numerous school shootings that have occurred across this country which are tragic,” Simpkins’ lawyer, Kim T Cole, told reporters. “All school shootings are tragic. However, in this situation, this was not someone who was just out to go and shoot a school and had made up their mind and said ‘You know hey I’m upset and I’m just going to shoot anyone I see.’”

No word yet on how or where Simpkins acquired the gun.

Simpkins’ mother and grandmother released the following statement on Facebook.

If the photo you see on your screen right now were the first image you saw of my son, what type of child would you say that he was? Would you be able to believe that he was a polite and kind young man who comes from a 2 parent home? Would you believe that he was a brilliant young man who is a straight-A student, who until just recently attended private school, and who has a impressive GPA? Would you believe that he has dreams of attending college and becoming a Engineer? The irony is that all of these things are true of Timothy Simpkins, but it only took the media 1 day and 1 questionable photograph to convince the country that my son was a menace to our society and nothing could be further from the truth. Timothy has always been a kind and thoughtful child who loves to learn. Because he spends so much time focusing on his studies, most of his relatives call him the “little nerd” of the family. He has never been known to bother anyone and would do anything to help someone in need. From the beginning of this school year, Timothy has been bullied at school. He has been beaten, taunted, and harassed on a daily basis. Recently he was ambushed by a group of young males outside of school, stripped of his clothing in front of a crowd of onlookers, and robbed of his money and possessions. He has been humiliated and stripped of his dignity on more than one occasion which led to him being fearful to go to school or even leave our home without an adult. All of these occurrences were brought to the attention of the Arlington school system and absolutely nothing wasdone to protect my son. He became depressed and some days did not even want to get out of bed. I am certain that he was fearful for his safety and felt that he had no support from those in authority whose responsibility it was to protect him. Today I am appealing to you as a mother who knows her son. Not the picture that the media has painted of him, but the child I and his grandparents raised him to be after his father’s death. Many of you have seen the video of the brutal beating Timmothy received – he never even returned a blow- he simply balled up and covered his head. But the backstory that you don’t know is that his father was brutally beaten to death and this fact definitely heightened Timmothy’s fear for his life not to mention that the young men responsible for beating and harassing him recently made threats to kill him so you see, my son was terrified and believed he would be murdered just like his father. I believe my son’s entire story should be heard and I am asking that you help me share it in an effort to balance the one-sided narrative that the media is broadcasting. Please know that I am not suggesting that taking a gun to school was the right choice to make, I am just saying that there is so much more to the story and all of the details should be known so that my son can be properly defended. We need your help to raise money for his defense. Any amount will be appreciated. Please donate what you can to help me fight for my son’s future.

Source: PJ Media

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