The Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reports that homicide rates are up 30%, a modern record. This surpasses the previous highest increase of 20%, which came between  2000 and 2001 and included the Islamic terrorist attacks of September 11.

“It is the largest increase in 100 years,” Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at NCHS, told CNN. “The only larger increase since we’ve been recording these data occurred between 1904 and 1905, and that increase was most likely—at least partly —the result of better reporting,” Anderson said. “We had states being added to what we refer to as the death registration areas, so we were counting deaths in more areas over time. We didn’t have all states reporting until 1933.”

Who and what is to blame for this historic homicide rate increase? The left says don’t blame them; it’s the pandemic and guns.

But why wouldn’t we blame the left? After all, the highest homicide rate increase since modern data collection began happened between 2019 and early 2021, when leftist Antifa and BLM thugs were burning down our cities while demanding the defunding of police departments. This made our cities more dangerous by the day. The left’s relentless and abusive attacks on our police officers in the name of “social justice” have left police departments across the country struggling to not only keep the officers they have but to attract new recruits to wear the badge.

In many cities, “police morale has plunged and retirements and resignations have soared,” reports NPR. “The exodus is affecting departments large, small and in between.” In “the largest departments with 500 hundred or more officers, the retirement rate increased by nearly 30%. Overall, new police hiring has dropped 5%.”

Meanwhile, violent crime is up. Isn’t all this exactly what the left wanted all along? So why wouldn’t we blame the left for their catastrophic pro-crime and pro-criminal policies? Since Biden has been in office, he’s flung the southern border wide open, allowing hundreds of thousands to illegally enter the U.S. As a result, crime is spiking in border towns and even hundreds of miles away. He’s also flown thousands of unvetted Afghan refugees into the U.S. and allowed them to simply walk off. Meanwhile, leftist DAs refuse to prosecute crimes, set no cash bail, and release prisoners in record numbers to commit more horrific crimes.

Defunding and villainizing police forces across the country could only have lead to fewer police officers and more crime. And allowing criminals to have free rein could only have led to more violent crime. If only someone would have told the left.

Source: PJ Media

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