The headline was ominous: “Poll: Kyrsten Sinema Poised to Lose Democratic Primary in 2024.”

Anyone who’s “poised” to do anything in three years is in trouble. But a recent poll by the radical Democratic group Data for Progress appears to show that Senator Kyrsten Sinema, who has been driving the radicals batty with her opposition to Joe Biden’s agenda, will lose in a Democratic primary.

Just 25 percent of Democrats in Arizona approve of the job Sinema is doing and 70 percent of Democrats disapprove.

Under some circumstances, Sinema would be well advised to look for alternative employment before 2024, when she’s planning to run for reelection. Fortunately for Sinema, reality will intrude.


The poll, from Data for Progress, comes with heavy caveats. The 2022 midterms aren’t even here yet, never mind the 2024 election. And Arizona’s primaries are open to independent voters ― meaning the exact makeup of the electorate is hard to nail down even in the weeks leading up to an election, let alone three years in advance.

Then there’s the real possibility that Arizona Democrats might not like East Coast radicals coming into their state and telling them how to vote. The recent dustup in an Arizona State University restroom, where wild-eyed radicals accosted the senator (and several innocent students), led to pushback from more sane Democrats.


In it, the senator said she supported the freedom of expression but was distressed over the position it put her students in, some of whom she said were also filmed inside the bathroom. Sinema also noted that she and her office had previously met with LUCHA Arizona, the immigration activists involved in the bathroom ambush.

“In the 19 years I have been teaching at ASU, I have been committed to creating a safe and intellectually challenging environment for my students. Yesterday, that environment was breached,” Sinema said in the statement. “My students were unfairly and unlawfully victimized. This is wholly inappropriate.”

What does “inappropriate” matter when there’s a revolution to conduct?

The fact is that the Democratic primary in Arizona is still almost three years away. Emotions and passions burning white-hot now will almost certainly have cooled by then. At that point, voters in Arizona will remember why they elected Sinema in the first place. She’s not a “me too” Democrat. She has an independent mind and won’t be bullied by out-of-state radicals.

Besides, Sinema’s position on Biden’s agenda is rooted in her own political calculations, which no doubt show Biden’s spending plans as being very worrisome — even to Democrats. And since Arizona has been a deep red state for decades, Sinema has to acknowledge the power of conservatives in her state and tread softly.

The radicals are complaining that Sinema isn’t “listening” to the people.

In interviews, several of the activist groups said they could not see their members employing such tactics. But, they also didn’t apologize for the behavior, portraying it as an act of desperation by voters who cannot reach a public official.

“She ignores them and dismisses them,” Bejarano said. “When you dehumanize somebody like that, that’s intolerable.”

Sinema knows that’s a bunch of baloney. She’s not listening to the voices of unreason and disunity. And for that, she must be punished.

Source: PJ Media

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