As part of Joe Biden woke virtue-signaling initiatives, on his first day in office, he ordered all federal agencies to examine their policies to uncover any “structural racism” that might be in place.

While the deadline for their reports is overdue, the White House has been mum about how many reports it received. Meanwhile, the Washington Times surveyed a dozen departments and agencies, which “revealed widespread concerns about the government shortchanging people of color, including in farm aid, visits to national parks and the disbursement of unemployment benefits.”

What kinds of “structural racism” have been found and/or addressed, you ask?

The Department of Homeland Security, for example, no longer refers to illegal immigrants as “aliens” but rather “noncitzens”  to “ensure individuals are treated humanely.”

The Department of Labor is looking to determine why unemployed black Americans during the pandemic are less likely than unemployed white Americans to receive unemployment benefits.

The Department of Agriculture and other agencies have created commissions to “examine how to incorporate racial equity into the ways they do business.”

Apparently, nondiscrimination policies aren’t enough. Costly commissions are necessary.

Critics of Biden’s initiative have pointed out that these moves will ultimately direct billions of taxpayer dollars towards minorities and potentially discriminate against white people. They have good reason to be concerned, because that’s exactly what the Biden administration has already done. Earlier this year, a federal judge ruled that Joe Biden’s $29 billion restaurant relief fund illegally discriminated against white males by prioritizing applications from women and minority-owned businesses.

Biden’s initiative to find “structural racism” will most certainly result in similarly discriminatory practices.

“There’s going to be just an avalanche of racial and ethnic preference programs to achieve equity of outcomes,” said Devon Westhill, the president and general counsel of the Center for Equal Opportunity. “Obviously, some of this is going to be illegal.”

Westhill noted that back in June, Biden wanted to commit $100 billion towards making sure more minority-owned small businesses get more federal contracts. Programs already exist for this purpose. Various federal and state Disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs already give qualifying “disadvantaged” businesses priority in receiving federal contracts over white-owned businesses … apparently ignoring that they’re not removing disadvantage from minority or female-owned businesses, but rather creating a disadvantage for white male-owned businesses.

That’s the real problem with Biden’s initiative. It pretends that existing efforts to “level the playing field” don’t already exist. It doesn’t aim to achieve equal opportunity, but equal results. If existing programs haven’t achieved that already, then billions or even trillions more taxpayer dollars won’t either.

Source: PJ Media

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