We know President Joe Biden cares little about the southern border crisis, but China is one topic where both parties often show concern — even if our “climate envoy” John Kerry does not.

Asked during a Tuesday briefing by White House reporter Philip Wegmann about Kerry’s past claims about some “contradiction” between Chinese and U.S. policies on climate change and human rights, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan did his best Jen Psaki dance.

When Wegmann specifically asked about a scenario where Biden would weigh one issue over the other, Sullivan effectively refused to prioritize opposition to China’s ongoing Uyghur genocide over a solar panel supply chain.

“The president strongly believes that we can both take a strong stand against forced labor and against slave labor anywhere it occurs, including in Xinjiang. And at the same time cultivate and develop a robust and effective solar power supply chain,” Sullivan equivocated, before adding, “There is no reason that the U.S. or any other country should be forced to choose between these two issues. There is nothing structural when you think about the fundamentals about why that should be the case. And so the president is determined to produce an outcome in which we can both get the solar deployment we need, and we can stand up unapologetically for our values.”

It’s clear the unpopular, unsustainable “Green” lobby controls the Democrats’ agenda since it’s how the regressive ideology takes over our entire economy.

Source: PJ Media

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