Whether or not you are satisfied with the official narrative that the 2020 presidential vote count was legitimate, you cannot escape the fact that the election—with its myriad COVID-justified irregularities, wee-hours counting halts and tally adjustments, unexplained incriminating videos, and still unanswered questions—damaged many Americans’ faith in our election system.

If Americans don’t believe we have free and fair elections, then it will soon become impossible for anyone to govern or for the union to continue to function. So, what has been done in since 2020 to bolster confidence in our elections?

First of all, 19 states have passed laws that restore and strengthen election integrity. The most comprehensive measures were passed in Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Iowa. CNN recently posted an overview of the changes (based on a report from the progressive Brennan Center for Justice):

  • Four states bundled together an array of new voting restrictions into single omnibus bills: Texas, Florida, Georgia and Iowa.
  • Four states — Arkansas, Montana, Texas and Arizona — passed multiple laws to restrict voting.
  • Many state laws hit on common themes. Seven, for instance, imposed tougher identification requirements to cast ballots. Seven states also shortened the window to apply for a mail-in ballots.

The new laws address the key concerns that Americans have with election integrity by shoring up ID requirements, requiring voters to request absentee ballots, reducing or eliminating ballot harvesting, and cleaning up voter rolls regularly.

Georgia’s new law also explicitly shuts down the Dems’ power to work their “midnight magic,” where a sufficient number of votes to put their losing candidate over the top appear to be miraculously found. Counties are now required to count all ballots, nonstop, and announce results by 5 p.m. the day after Election Day—or face potential investigation. Not only that, but officials must also post the total number of votes cast (in-person, absentee, early voting, and provisional ballots) by 10 p.m. on Election Day. Democrats will no longer be able to delay certifications with legal maneuvers while they continue to “find” enough uncounted votes to change the outcome.

Unfortunately, Democrat-run states also passed voting laws of their own, codifying the fraud-friendly procedures they shoehorned into use under under the catch-all “It’s the COVID” excuse. According to NPR, the number of states that have legislated less secure voting outnumbers those that have acted to preserve voting integrity.

One of those states is Virginia, which is probably not welcome news to anyone hoping for a Youngkin victory. But the new laws also contained improvements to Old Dominion’s process. Notably, officials began processing mail-in ballots long before Election Day. This means that mail-in results may be reported before in-person results. People who believe Democrats steal elections know that this would remove one of the fraudsters’ most potent tools: the ability to discover “uncounted ballots” in whatever quantity is needed to claim victory.

It will be interesting to see if Virginia Democrats actually allow this to happen. Or if they don’t, why not?

Source: PJ Media

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