A left-leaning news outlet has retracted a headline concerning Daily Wire host Candace Owens, following her move to send “legal pit bulls upon them.”

“Pleased to announce that after I set legal pit bulls upon them—the [Guardian] retracted their grossly libelous headline which claimed that I suggested America invade Australia,” Owens posted to Twitter on Wednesday.

“While we all know the Guardian is #FakeNews, it’s still nice to make them admit it from time to time,” she added.

Last month, The Guardian ran with a headline claiming Owens called for U.S. Military intervention in Australia. “Rightwing pundit Candace Owens suggests US invade Australia to ‘free an oppressed people,’” the headline said.

To land on such a wildly misleading headline, The Guardian took commentary from Owens’ show “Candace” out of context and made it seem as if the conservative politico called for the United States to “invade” Australia. Though, Owens noted in her monologue that she was being facetious, underscoring her anti-interventionist beliefs, but also decrying the dire conditions Australians are facing relative to other places to which the U.S. has deployed troops, namely Afghanistan.

Owens swiftly demanded a “full retraction.”

Now, The Guardian’s headline reads as follows: “Rightwing US pundit Candace Owens compares Australian government to the Taliban, calling it a ‘tyrannical police state.’”

And the sub-headline reads, “The high-profile conservative commentator quips: ‘When do we deploy troops to Australia?’”

In a video posted last month, Owens railed at The Guardian for their “full lie,” The Daily Wire reported:

Owens said in the video that she plans on having her lawyers reach out to The Guardian over their “full lie,” noting … the U.K.’s libel laws.

“The U.K. has very strong libel laws, and you can’t just lie like that. And I want a full retraction,” the BLEXIT founder said. “To pretend that I was not joking, when I quite literally said, ‘I say that in jest’ — it’s demonic, it’s satanic.”

… “The AUDACITY of Twitter and [The Guardian] to run with a FULL LIE of a headline that I suggested America should invade Australia,” Owens captioned her Instagram response video. “I am in full dragon mode right now.”

“Are you awake yet?! Do you see the evil?” she added. “Do you understand there is value for these evil globalists in your perpetual state of fear?”

Continuing her commentary in the video, Owens said the media smear is part of the “reason that this world is so divided, it’s the reason why everywhere in the world people are being impoverished and imprisoned by their governments, who have launched a war against their own people.”

“It’s an information war,” she emphasized. “They are lying to you about what is happening everywhere. They are lying to you about your own body, right? You don’t even trust your own body anymore. People are afraid when anyone sneezes. Because the government has launched a war, a propaganda war, a psychological war against its own people. Because fear gives them more power. That’s the truth.”

Below is the clip of what Owens actually said during her monologue concerning Australia:

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Source: Dailywire

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