Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, long considered a favorite for the 2024 presidential nomination, officially announced his 2022 gubernatorial reelection campaign Monday.

In his statement to Fox News, DeSantis highlighted the accomplishments of his first term in office. He said he has “delivered on all fronts: Florida’s economy is strong, we’ve boosted teacher pay, made historic investments in Everglades restoration and water quality, signed strong election integrity legislation, provided unparalleled support for law enforcement and appointed strong constitutionalists to our state courts.”

“I also protected individual Floridians and small businesses by keeping Florida open and stood up for students and parents by ensuring schools provided in-person instruction and by championing the rights of parents,” he added. “We’ve also taken on Big Tech censorship, banned sanctuary cities, ensured that municipalities cannot defund law enforcement and stood up to the Biden regime.”

While momentum for DeSantis to be a 2024 contender is building, to be well positioned as a national candidate, he must secure reelection in Florida. An August poll conducted by BUSR/Susquehanna Polling and Research showed the incumbent governor leading Democratic challengers Charlie Crist and Nikki Fried by three points and ten points, respectively, in hypothetical gubernatorial matchups.

Source: National Review

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