Kyle Rittenhouse told Fox News during an interview on Monday night that during a stretch of several weeks while in jail he did not have access to running water and he went so long without showering that when he finally did shower again his skin was bleeding because it was coming off of his body.

“I was in my own room. It was kind of like a like a one — I’m going to describe it as a one-star hotel,” Rittenhouse told Fox News host Tucker Carlson. “I had a desk. I had a shower. I had a toilet. I had a TV. I had a tablet. But I didn’t have running water. I had a phone also, but I did not have running water. So I didn’t shower until November 20th.”

“From October 31st to November 20th, I did not take a shower,” he said. “I smelled terrible. I felt sick. I lost weight. My health was degrading. If I was in there for a month longer, I would probably have been in a hospital.”

“And when I showered, I showered for like — I took like a three-hour shower,” he later added. “I had like blood. My skin was bleeding because my skin was coming off of my body, it was just the nastiest thing ever.”



TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: So you’re in the juvenile facility. You’re 17, but then you turn 18, you go to Kenosha County Jail.

KYLE RITTENHOUSE: Actually, I go to Kenosha County jail as I’m 17. I’m in adult jail. October 31st, I’m extradited, which I agree with. I wanted to go to Kenosha County Jail from the beginning. I was extradited to Kenosha County Jail.

My attorney, John Pierce said, oh, we’re going to keep you in a juvenile facility. I always wanted to be extradited, and I had no problem with that. But he forgot to file the stay and he didn’t even know I was going.

So my attorney didn’t know I was going to jail, which is quite sickening because he should have known.

CARLSON: Well, yes. That’s the whole point of an attorney.

RITTENHOUSE: Yes, right. Thank God I have competent counsel now.


RITTENHOUSE: But the jail was interesting. I was in my own room. It was kind of like a like a one — I’m going to describe it as a one-star hotel. We’ll go with a Super Eight.

CARLSON: Super Eight.

RITTENHOUSE: I had a desk. I had a shower. I had a toilet. I had a TV. I had a tablet. But I didn’t have running water.

CARLSON: Seriously.

RITTENHOUSE: I had a phone also, but I did not have running water. So I didn’t shower until November 20th.

CARLSON: How long is that?

RITTENHOUSE: From October 31st to November 20th, I did not take a shower.

CARLSON: That’s disgusting.

RITTENHOUSE: Very. I smelled terrible. I felt sick. I lost weight. My health was degrading.

If I was in there for a month longer, I would probably have been in a hospital.

CARLSON: Wait, you had no running water.

RITTENHOUSE: No running water in my jail cell.

CARLSON: Did you — did they let you out?

RITTENHOUSE: To talk with my attorneys. I didn’t really say anything about my running water because I’m not — I don’t like to bring attention myself. I don’t want to draw any problems with any of the guards.

So I was like, I’m just going to — I’m just going to shut up and not mention that I don’t have running water. But I didn’t shower for until November 20th. And when I showered, I showered for like — I took like a three-hour shower. I had like blood. My skin was bleeding because my skin was coming off of my body, it was just the nastiest thing ever.

And I feel bad for Dave who has been with me through the beginning, who’s helped start I feel bad for him because he had to deal with my smell for that three hour car ride. So, I give him all the credit in the world.

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Source: Dailywire

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