The only consistency there has been in the pronouncements of Dr. Antony Fauci, the public face of the pandemic since Donald Trump was president, is their inconsistency. Fauci is now saying that being “fully vaccinated” may mean getting a booster shot as well. Previously, Fauci said that being “fully vaccinated” meant receiving two shots of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines or a single shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Facui says this is how you follow the science.

Fox News:

“People should not be put off by the fact that as time goes by and we learn more and more about the protection that we might modify the guidelines,” he explained. “That’s what we’ve been saying all along by follow the science, things change and you have to follow the data.”

But that booster shot still may not be enough. We may need boosters every six months or every year, according to “Follow the science” Fauci.

Fauci later said on ABC’s “This Week” that he hopes the booster shot will not wane the same way the initial regimens did, which would allow Americans to avoid more regular booster shots at either six months or even a year.

“We would hope, and this is something that we’re looking at very carefully, that that third shot with the mRNA not only boosts you way up, but increases the durability so that you will not necessarily need it every six months or a year,” Fauci said. “We’re hoping it pushes it out more.”

“If it doesn’t, and the data shows we need to do it more often, then we’ll do it, but we want to make sure we get the population optimally protected and you do whatever you need to do.”

The reason some of us need new flu shots every flu season is that the virus that causes the flu changes significantly from year to year. However, the coronavirus hasn’t changed significantly — not even the “variants” that have arisen in some areas. It’s basically the same animal with different disguises.

Fauci isn’t wrong when he says science means learning more about the virus, and the more we learn, the more it may become necessary to adjust our strategies to deal with it. What makes Fauci the absolute worst choice to continue to be the spokesman for any administration COVID policies is his inability to articulate the state of the knowledge we have regarding the coronavirus and what the government is doing about it.

It’s not just a matter of Fauci not knowing when to keep his mouth shut or when to stop talking. His failures have killed people and will continue to kill people, because few Americans trust what he says.

That’s a singular failure for which Joe Biden bears equal responsibility.

Source: PJ Media

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