The Women’s March was mocked online throughout the day on Tuesday after apologizing for sending out an email claiming that the organization had received an average donation of $14.92 over the prior week which the group then connected to the year 1492, the year that Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas.

“We apologize deeply for the email that was sent today. $14.92 was our average donation amount this week,” the far-left organization said. “It was an oversight on our part to not make the connection to a year of colonization, conquest, and genocide for Indigenous people, especially before Thanksgiving.”

Top responses to their tweet included:

  • Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic: “The ‘intent doesn’t matter, just impact’ people don’t just discount intent too much, they also have very strange notions of what impacts people to the point that an apologize is warranted.”
  • Kurt Schlichter, attorney and conservative columnist: “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I want to take this opportunity to strongly support the European conquest of North America.”
  • Anthony L. Fisher, columnist: “This tweet makes a lot of sense when you consider Louis Farrakhan’s into numerology, too.”
  • Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review: “This is hilarious. But I immediately wondered what would happen if it was 4 cents lower.”
  • Peter Whittle, political commentator: “How does one ever come back from this level of brain rotting idiocy?”
  • Megan McArdle, The Washington Post: “Wokeness has moved past policing language to quasi-mystical numerology.”
  • Dr. Jordan B. Peterson: “This is perhaps the most hypocritical virtue-signaling tweet I have ever seen. And that is really saying something.”
  • Frank J. Fleming, The Babylon Bee: “This is the challenge for The Babylon Bee with all the woke stuff; it’s like trying to satirize a comedy.”
  • Clay Travis, sports analyst: “Yes, this is a real email from the women’s march. The comments are fantastic. Enjoy.”
  • Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): “They don’t want your $$ (because they hate America SOOOO much), but please feel free to contribute $14.92 to our campaign! Or $17.76. Or $20.24.”
  • John Cardillo, political commentator: “OMG they are serious. Everyone of these motherf***ers has mental illness.”
  • Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary: “Let’s all chip in and raise the amount to $17.76. Then they’ll really lose their minds.”
  • Nick Searcy, actor: “These people are so stupid and brainwashed that it is truly hilarious.”
  • Seth Dillon, The Babylon Bee: “The world has become too absurd to be satirized.”
  • Steven Edginton, The Telegraph: “Henry VII was also King in 1492, a sacred year in which austerity crippled our NHS. Apologising isn’t enough, time to shut down Women’s March.”
  • Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll, political commentator: “We regret to inform you that $14.92 has been canceled, additionally $17.76 and all variations thereof have also been canceled. Please note this also applies to $19.48, $19.67, $19.73, however you may continue to use $19.33, $19.39, $19.42, -576, and $70 & all variations thereof.” She continued, “Should you need to use one of these amounts you may say for example, something like $14.93 – $0.01, or, $9+ $5 + $0.92 hopefully, in this way we can remember that absolutely anyone can be triggered by absolutely anything in absolutely any context.”

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Source: Dailywire

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