Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) issued a statement on Thursday regarding his “no” vote on the continuing resolution, slamming President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates as “blatantly lawless” and stating “Democrats don’t care” if they are contrary to law.

“The bill funds President Biden’s illegal and unconstitutional vaccine mandates, which have repeatedly been halted by the courts. They are blatantly lawless, and President Biden knows they’re lawless—his lawyers have told him the vaccine mandates are contrary to law. And Democrats don’t care,” Cruz said in the statement.

In addition to being lawless, Cruz argued the vaccine mandates could end the jobs of 45 million American workers.

“Not only are Biden’s vaccine mandates lawless, they impose a burden on American businesses that could cause 45 million Americans to lose their jobs because they aren’t vaccinated,” the statement added.

“We’re talking about fathers and mothers who are trying to provide for their families, as well as brave men and women who serve in our nation’s military, and the president is threatening their jobs right before Christmas,” Cruz added.

Cruz called the Biden administration’s reckless end-of-year spending “insulting,” arguing lawmakers should instead focus on freedom, border security, and helping American workers and families.

“Washington’s frantic end-of-year spending spree, year after year, is insulting. Instead of funding liberal Democrat priorities and running up bills we can’t pay, we should be fighting for the common-sense priorities of the American people, like providing more education opportunities and freedom, securing our border, and reducing the burden of federal taxes and regulations on workers, families, and local job creators,” the Texas senator concluded.

The Daily Wire previously reported Cruz noted he supports vaccines and that both he and his family have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, but he “also support[s] individual liberty and individual responsibility.”

“It ought to be your choice as a responsible adult to decide whether to get the COVID vaccine,” Cruz continued. “And you ought to make that discussion, that decision in consultation with your doctor. And no pissant politician — whether a local mayor, or a governor or the President of the United States — has the right or legal authority to force you to make that decision.”

The Daily Wire is fighting Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate in federal court.  Join us in this fight by signing our petition to OSHA, telling them that you will not comply with this mandate.

Source: Dailywire

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