A member of the Fort Worth, Texas, school board’s Racial Equity Committee attempted to justify her decision to disclose the personal information of parents who challenged the district’s mask mandate in court.

“Some people consider my actions doxxing,” Norma Garcia-Lopez, the committee’s co-chair, told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. “It’s not doxxing when you expose someone who filed a public motion in a public court of law that impacts public school children.”

After some parents successfully secured a court ruling blocking Fort Worth Independent School District’s mask mandate, Garcia-Lopez blasted the plaintiffs on Twitter, revealing their personally identities and encouraging the online community to intimidate them, Fox News previously reported.

“It’s astounding what the ‘White Privilege’ power from Tanglewood has vs a whole diverse community that cares for the well being of others,” Garcia-Lopez wrote. “These are their names: Jennifer Treger, Todd Daniel, Kerri Rehmeyer and a coward Jane Doe. Internet do your thang.”

Garcia-Lopez also published Treger’s phone number and address, as well as Rehmeyer’s employer, phone number, and work email address. In response to one Twitter comment lauding her efforts to expose the parents, Garcia-Lopez replied: “Of course sis! They definitely need to be called out.”

Garcia-Lopez also reportedly cursed a parent who was part of the lawsuit in a voice mail, saying: “F— you, you stupid b—-. F— you with your White privilege, not caring about the well-being of others, f— you,” according to a recording obtained by Fox News.

“My message contained harsh language — no threats,” Garcia-Lopez said in her statement. “Some people find my choice of words in that message offensive. But what’s really offensive is that four white parents could hold so much power.”

The doxxing attempts triggered backlash from parents, with some calling for Garcia-Lopez’s removal from her post. Garcia-Lopez claimed she has received threats and had derogatory epithets directed at her since the episode.

“They sent a lynch mob to attack me,” Garcia-Lopez said. “They want to silence me from advocating for equity, by pressuring me into resigning as co-chair of the Racial Equity Committee.”

Rehmeyer denied this claim to Fox News and said the parents reported only the committee co-chair’s actions to the press, not her personal information. On the other hand, she said Garcia-Lopez “told people to go after us, said where I worked.”

“I received 17 voicemails at work from one person,” Rehmeyer said. She noted that some of the parents’ businesses have gotten negative reviews online from critics who “don’t even try to pretend that they were clients.”

“I had a previous client who said she hoped that I died,” she added.

Source: National Review

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