It seems likely that Jussie Smollett will regret his decision to testify in his own defense.

On Tuesday, a writer at The Daily Beast couldn’t deny that Jussie Smollett got “nailed” during his cross-examination, and now legal experts are chiming in and have nothing good to say about Smollett’s performance.

“Smollett testifying in his own defense is one of two things, or maybe both: a narcissistic criminal defendant who is doubling down on his charged lies to law enforcement or defense attorneys who know they are way behind and are throwing a low probability Hail Mary to try to get their client off,” former U.S. attorney Neama Rahmani told Fox News Digital. “Either way, Smollett’s story was a bizarre attempt at forcing a square peg into a round hole by offering every possible explanation for the state’s digital evidence except the most obvious one: that he is guilty.”

Rahmani says that it is far more likely that the jury will see “through his ruse” and convict him, and the judge “may sentence him to prison time for obstructing justice and perjuring himself on the witness stand.”

James White, a Michigan-based attorney, said Smollett’s testimony was nothing more than “an unparalleled disaster,” and that the disgraced actor not only “hurt his case” but also “went beyond and made the prosecutor’s case” in the process.

“His story is so unbelievable and in the face of the evidence that no reasonable jury is ever going to buy it,” White added. “I think that he absolutely buried himself to the extent he wasn’t already buried.”

White questioned why Smollett was even put on the stand in the first place and questioned the motives of Smollett’s attorneys. “To go up in international media coverage and do what he did if it was sanctioned by his counsel, that’s concerning to me. I don’t think that it’s anything that will reverse convictions or anything to that degree, but it’s concerning.”

Smollett faces up to three years in prison if convicted.

Source: PJ Media

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