Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House reportedly hung up on a U.S. senator who called the administration seeking to get help for an activist who is being tortured by the communist regime in Cuba.

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) reached out to the administration to discuss reports that José Daniel Ferrer, a human rights activist and the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), is being tortured by the communist regime.

“The @WhiteHouse just hung up on me when I called to talk to someone about the horrific torture & abuse @jdanielferrer is experiencing as a prisoner of the illegitimate communist Cuban regime,” Scott tweeted. “This isn’t just weakness; it’s shameful cowardice. I won’t tolerate it.”

Ferrer had his right to home detention revoked back in August and was ordered to serve a four-year prison sentence on charges that critics say are politically motivated.

Scott has been a vocal advocate for Ferrer, warning that the communist regime was trying to end his life by subjecting him to psychological and physical torture.

Scott said in a statement last week:

Today marks 150 days of José Daniel Ferrer being unjustly detained in isolation, where he is subjected to physical and psychological torture by the brutal communist Cuban regime in an attempt to end his life. According to José Daniel’s family, his health is dire – he’s suffering from severe headaches, mouth bleeding, malnutrition, cough and insomnia – all products of the cruel torture and inhumane treatment from the regime. The illegitimate authoritarian Cuban regime is clearly terrified of brave and courageous leaders like José Daniel Ferrer who are the face of a free Cuba. They are doing everything they can to persecute, kidnap, torture and kill anyone who stands up against their oppression. The international community can no longer look the other way while Diaz-Canel and Castro commit genocide against their own people. And for all who do business with the communist regime, this should be a wakeup call. Whether it’s tourism, trade or other business – doing business with the regime funds this horrific torture and the stripping of basic human rights.

If Joe Biden truly cares about human rights and takes seriously his job as leader of the free world, he’ll join me in demanding the immediate release of José Daniel Ferrer and calling on the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for a humanitarian medical visit to José Daniel Ferrer immediately. Every freedom-loving nation and human right group across the world must stand with José Daniel Ferrer and the courageous activists who bravely fight to defend human rights, freedom and the democratic movement in Cuba.

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Source: Dailywire

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