At a congressional hearing on COVID-19 vaccinations and other treatments on Wednesday, Dr. Marty Makary, professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, slammed colleges for requiring COVID-19 vaccination boosters for young people who have previously had COVID-19 and likely already have natural immunity.

“There is nothing that represents American waste, excess, and global arrogance more than requiring a young, healthy, low-risk student who had the infection in the past and already has natural immunity to get a booster,” Makary told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis hearing, entitled “A Global Crisis Needs a Global Solution: The Urgent Need to Accelerate Vaccinations Around the World.

“Yet dozens of colleges and universities have already announced this as a requirement,” he continued. “We need precise medical guidance, not blanket medical guidance.”

“If the U.S. wants to help struggling countries ration their limited vaccine supply in the midst of an epidemic, tell them to recognize natural immunity and have those who had COVID step aside in the vaccine line to protect those who are vulnerable faster with a life-saving vaccine,” he added.

“Over 20 scientifically sound studies have demonstrated that natural immunity is as good or better than vaccinated immunity. Yet public health officials continue to ignore it,” Makary declared. “In fact, they never talk about it.”

As The Daily Wire reported on Tuesday, more than 1,000 colleges across America have mandated vaccines and many are updating their requirements to include booster shots in wake of the new Omicron variant.

Likewise, the Biden administration is still pushing forth federal and private-sector COVID vaccine mandates. The Daily Wire was the first major company to file a lawsuit against the Biden administration over his vaccine mandate for employers with 100 or more employees.

Makary had previously told The Daily Wire’s “Morning Wire” podcast that American’s should not fear the Omicron variant due to existing therapies as well natural immunity:

There’s a lot of fear about it, but historically all the variants to date of COVID, all 2000 of them, have been encompassed by natural and vaccinated immunity. So we should feel comforted in that, even though we don’t have good data on whether or not this evades immune protection. And I think the other point people should know is uh, the therapeutics that we have the new antiviral drugs that are coming on and some. Of the existing medications, like fluvoxamine work against any variants. So we should feel good about our ability to fight this, if it evades immune production, which again is unlikely.

Also on Wednesday, Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) criticized the Biden administration for focusing on mandates rather than alternative therapies. Scalise also told “Breitbart News Daily” that “one of the big failures of the Biden administration is that they’ve only been focused on vaccinations, but they don’t want to do anything to deal with other alternatives [such as] therapeutics, natural immunity.”

“There are no investigations or hearings that we’re having on the power of natural immunity — people that got COVID and survived it — and then what does that immunity give you?” he added. “It gives you a lot of ability to be safe from future variants, and yet they don’t want to focus on that because I think they still want to deal with government control.”

The Daily Wire is fighting Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate in federal court. Join us in this fight by signing our petition to OSHA, telling them that you will not comply with this mandate.

Source: Dailywire

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