Not all heroes wear capes…some wear thongs.

A Florida man (of course) was kicked off of a United Airlines flight and banned from the airline after wearing a bright red thong as a face mask in protest of their mask mandate.

“I think the best way to illustrate absurdity is with absurdity,” Adam Jenne, who was flying to Washington, D.C., from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., said.

“Every single flight has been met with different reactions from the flight crew,” he added. “Some with a wild appreciation, others confrontational.”

After being booted off the plane, other passengers got up and followed.

Jenne said his actions are comparable to those of Rosa Parks.

“Everything else that has sparked change in this country has started from everyday people. Rosa Parks wasn’t famous. She changed the course of history.”

However, United Airlines wasn’t amused.

“The customer clearly wasn’t in compliance with the federal mask mandate and we appreciate that our team addressed the issue on the ground prior to takeoff, avoiding any potential disruptions on the air,” the airline said in a statement.

Source: PJ Media

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