Aros, a police dog with the Escondido, Calif. police department, found a bone he wouldn’t let go of, and it was in a bad guy’s leg.

That bad guy is a landlord who was wanted for attacking a tenant with a knife and a baseball bat.

The man ran into a garage and closed the door. Police negotiated with him for 20 minutes, then went into the garage to arrest him. He was still holding his knife, and he began to resist arrest.

The perp then proceeded to climb into the rafters of the garage. Police released Aros to do his business, which in this case was to grab the perp’s leg as it was hanging low. The suspect proceeded to stab Aros 27 times, all of the blows landing on the dog’s’ head and snout. Aros refused to let go.

“What was pretty amazing to me, and I’ve been involved with canines for 20 years, is the dog just held on,” said Lt. Petersen, leader of the Escondido K9 unit. “He did his job. He held onto the guy while being stabbed 27 times until the officers were able to get to him safely.”

Police tased the thug, causing him to fall from the rafters and drop the knife. That’s when the fight ended.

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Aros’ veterinarian said the K-9 is recovering well. Apparently, Aros even got a little “rambunctious” several days into his recovery and worked a few of his stitches out. He was returned for more medical care, according to his handler, Officer Chad Moore. The vet also gave Aros some sedation medication.

Aros will survive. Whether or not the seven-and-a-half-year-old Belgian Malinois will return to police work is not yet known.

“We don’t know yet whether he will be able to return to service, because we don’t know how much damage was done to his snout,” Petersen stated. “That’s his moneymaker, to be able to sniff stuff. It is just a waiting game at this point.”

Over 120 active K9 officers have died thus far in 2021.

A gofundme for Aros has been set up. The money will go to Aros’ recovery bills and may also be used to replace him, should he not be able to go back on patrol.

Source: PJ Media

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