Democrat President Joe Biden’s economic approval ratings are worse than former Democrat President Jimmy Carter, who Biden has repeatedly been compared to throughout his first year in office.

“Carter’s economic net approval rating of -8 points in an early January 1978 CBS News/New York Times poll was the lowest around this point in a presidency before Biden’s -13 points,” CNN reported. “The economy, and particularly inflation, was listed as the nation’s top problem in a late October 1977 Gallup poll.”

CNN noted that the average president at this point during their first year in office had a +5 approval rating on their handling of the economy, meaning that Biden was 18 points lower than the average president.

“Inflation, in particular, seems to be a big issue for Biden,” CNN added. “Just 28% of Americans approved of the job he is doing to handle inflation in a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll. This comes as more voters said they were concerned about inflation than any other issue in a December Fox News poll, and only 22% said the Biden’s administration efforts to get inflation and rising prices under control were helping. The plurality (47%) said they were hurting.”

The low economic marks from Biden come as the administration is failing to get control of the pandemic, something that Biden repeatedly promised that he would do while on the campaign trail.

More Americans have now died from the coronavirus under Biden’s leadership than died under former President Donald Trump, according to CDC data published last week.

The development comes as Biden’s approval rating continues to remain low as more and more Americans are disapproving of his handling of the pandemic than at any other point during his first year in office. The number of Americans who say that Biden is doing a “bad job” in responding to the pandemic has doubled from 23% during Biden’s first month in office to 46% as of last month.

The CDC reported back in January that on January 20, 2021, at 1:16PM, there were 400,306 deaths recorded in the U.S. from the coronavirus. Biden officially became president of the United States at noon on that day.

Since then, the number of people who have died from coronavirus under Biden’s watch is now greater than 400,306.

According to the most recent CDC data available at the time this report was published, 800,939 Americans have died from the coronavirus, which means that at least 400,633 Americans have died under Biden’s leadership. Other entities like The New York Times, however, currently report the U.S. has 806,335 deaths from the coronavirus, a number that continues to climb daily with no end in sight.

Biden’s disastrous handling of the coronavirus pandemic is even worse when considering the fact that he had highly effective vaccines at his disposal from his very first day in office to get the pandemic under control.

Biden repeatedly promised while on the campaign trail that he was going to “shut down the virus,” and while its true that new variants have emerged, the fact remains that he has not “shut down the virus” and more Americans have now died under his leadership than under Trump.

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Source: Dailywire

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