Renowned Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson thanked Elon Musk for his work with Tesla.

Replying to Musk’s denouncement of “wokeness” as a “divisive, exclusionary, and hateful” movement” that allows cruel people to virtue-signal, Peterson said: “Anyone who can design and mass market an electric car and then fire one of them into space on his own rocket definitely has me as a fan. Merry Christmas.”

Musk made the comment during an interview with The Babylon Bee. The billionaire slammed wokeness for ruining comedy — such as The Onion, which he ripped for becoming “really politically correct” and for not making fun of “anything on the Left.”

“It used to be much more even-handed, The Onion, and then they just got the woke mind virus to the point where … it used to be very funny and then it was not that funny,” Musk said. “You know, SNL, I used to be a huge fan of SNL. … many, many, many, if not, most of the SNL episodes are kind of a moral lecture on why we’re bad human beings, instead of comedy. So, and again, won’t make fun of anything on the Left, really, like, you know, they’ll beat up on Ted Cruz 17,000 times and you’re like, ‘OK, we get it.’”

Days earlier, Peterson thanked Musk for paying $11 billion in taxes. 

In the days since his designation as TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year, Musk has pulled no punches with his detractors. For example, he blasted Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) for arguing that he freeloads off others by benefiting from a “rigged” tax system.

Warren suggested on Twitter that the “rigged tax code” ought to be changed so that the multibillionaire will “stop freeloading off everyone else.” Musk, however, leads Tesla, SpaceX, and several smaller technology ventures. At the end of 2020, Tesla alone boasted a workforce of nearly 71,000 people.

Musk replied to the progressive lawmaker — “Stop projecting!” — and linked to a Fox News opinion piece entitled “Elizabeth Warren is a fraud — Her lies about being Native American disqualify her from presidency, Senate.”

Then, Musk delivered two knockout blows: “You remind me of when I was a kid and my friend’s angry Mom would just randomly yell at everyone for no reason… Please don’t call the manager on me, Senator Karen.”

During her show, MSNBC anchor Joy Reid chimed in by saying that Musk “did what he always did and stomped his little feet and insulted Senator Warren, calling her an ‘angry mom’ and referring to her as ‘Senator Karen.’” She also said that Musk is “a freeloader and a selfish and disrespectful one” — adding that he “misappropriates black vernacular for misogynistic purposes.”

Musk responded: “(Lack of) Joy Reid is a lobbyist for Sen Karen.”

Jordan Peterson was the first guest on “The Search” — a new series featuring conversations with Ben Shapiro and various thought leaders. The episode is available exclusively to Daily Wire members.

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Source: Dailywire

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