South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem called on President Joe Biden to rescind all federal COVID-19 mandates after he said on Monday that, “There is no federal solution,” to the pandemic.

“After a year, we finally agree @potus. The federal government isn’t the solution. That’s why from the start, SD took a different approach by trusting our citizens to be responsible and make the right decisions for themselves & their families. Now rescind all the federal mandates,” Noem tweeted on Tuesday.

The post followed Biden’s comment on Monday during a virtual meeting with the nation’s governors.

The South Dakota governor had previously criticized Biden over his dire comments ahead of Christmas that told unvaccinated Americans they would be “looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”

Noem argued, “America needs hope and leadership from Biden. Not fear and dire predictions.”

Noem is not alone in her call for an end to federal mandates. Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton also expressed a similar conclusion to Biden’s statement.

“When Joe Biden says ‘there is no federal solution,’ he’s trying to avoid blame for his incompetence,” Cotton tweeted on Monday.

“If he really believes this, he should rescind his unconstitutional federal mandates,” he added.

“There’s no federal solution, but the fed government can help by securing the border, approving safe treatments & tests, and appointing competent leaders at the FDA & CDC,” Cotton also tweeted.

“Biden opened the border, botched testing, and outsourced CDC’s guidance to the teachers’ unions,” he argued.

Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy also claimed the president “finally got something right,” sharing the contrast between Biden’s message in 2020 that he would “shut down the virus” with his more recent comments.

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Source: Dailywire

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