The father of the young man suspected of attempting to enter Windsor Castle armed with a crossbow has said there is something “horribly wrong” with his son.

Jasbir Singh Chail, father of the 19-year-old suspect Jaswant, told the Daily Mail that “Something’s gone horribly wrong with our son and we are trying to figure out what.

“We’ve not had a chance to speak to him but are trying to get him the help he needs. From our perspective, we are going through a difficult time. We are trying to resolve this issue and it’s not easy,” Jasbir added.

The Mail reported that Jasbir is the director of an IT company and “is a well-spoken, qualified software engineer who runs the company from his home.” His son, Jaswant, reportedly had a comfortable and loving upbringing, where he was known as Jas to his friends.

As The Daily Wire previously reported, Jaswant was arrested early Christmas morning after allegedly scaling a wall and attempting to enter Windsor Castle with a crossbow. Security at the palace are currently trying to determine how Jaswant was able to enter the grounds.

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Chail posted a video on Snapchat prior to the incident that detailed his motives. In it, the 19-year-old suspect is dressed in a hoodie and mask that have been described as being inspired by “Star Wars.” Chail used a voice distorter when making the recording. 

‘I’m sorry,” the would-be assassin said. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done and what I will do. I will attempt to assassinate Elizabeth, Queen of the Royal Family. This is revenge for those who have died in the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre.”

He continued, “It is also revenge for those who have been killed, humiliated and discriminated on because of their race. I’m an Indian Sikh, a Sith.” Later, Chail refers to himself as “Darth Jones,” which is where the “Star Wars” angle comes into play.

The suspect was unable to enter any buildings on the grounds and “was taken into custody and has undergone a mental health assessment — he has since been sectioned under the Mental Health Act and remains in the care of medical professionals,” according to police.

Queen Elizabeth stayed at Windsor Castle this year instead of traveling, as is customary royal tradition. She usually hosts family at her Sandringham Estate in Norfolk but decided against it this year due to personal reasons and as “a precautionary approach” to the surge in coronavirus cases, according to Buckingham Palace aides.

The Daily Wire also noted that in 1982, Michael Fagan was able to enter the palace and make it into Queen Elizabeth’s private sleeping quarters. Fagan accidentally broke an ashtray during his break-in and cut his hand on the glass. Elizabeth called security when he entered her bedroom.

“They say she must have been frightened. I didn’t frighten her too much but I was quite shocked,” Fagan told The Sun last year.

“She used a phone on the bedside table to call security but when nobody came she got out of bed,” Fagan added. “Her nightie was one of those Liberty prints and it was down to her knees. She said, ‘Just one minute, I’ll get someone,’ swept past me and ran out of the room, her little bare feet running across the floor.”

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Source: Dailywire

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