The White House tried to fix Democrat President Joe Biden’s statement yesterday when Biden said that there was “no federal solution” to the dealing with the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, which came in stark contrast to the message that he ran on while campaigning for president, including his promise to “shut down the virus.”

Biden made the remarks after Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (R), chairman of the National Governors Association, spoke about challenges his state is experiencing in responding to the pandemic.

“And so one word of concern or encouragement for your team is that as you look towards federal solutions that will help alleviate the challenge, make sure that we do not let federal solution stand in the way of state solutions,” Hutchinson said. “And the production of 500 million rapid tests that will be distributed by the federal government is great. But obviously that dries up the supply chain for the solutions that we might offer as governor.”

A few moments later, Biden responded, “Look, there is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level.”

The White House responded in a tweet on Tuesday afternoon, writing: “The Biden-Harris Administration is making sure states have what they need to tackle COVID including: – 1,000 additional doctors and nurses – stockpiling millions of gowns, gloves, masks, and ventilators – adding vaccine and booster capacity.”

“And more,” the administration claimed without providing examples.

The administration faced widespread backlash over Biden’s remarks, including:

  • Peter Daou, former Clinton adviser, “NEWS: Biden gives up. ‘There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.’ #COVID #Omicron.”
  • Tami Sawyer, Democrat commissioner: “This makes me both angry and sad. Knowing what this means in Tennessee. Knowing what this means across the South. Knowing what this means for poor people, disabled people, Black and brown people. I just…am beyond disappointment.”
  • Rebecca Parson, Democrat congressional candidate: “Who’s responsibility is it to keep Americans alive? Love how this is treated as a shell game with federal, state, county, and city government all blaming each other. Meanwhile 817,000 Americans are dead of Covid.”
  • Larry O’Connor, radio host: “He never had a plan… Other than to con his way into the White House.”
  • Max Abrahams, professor: “The hallmark of his presidential campaign was doing the opposite.”
  • Amy Alkon, political commentator: “Biden to USA: ‘F*** off and figure it out.’”
  • Carolyn Hinds, writer: “This man really told Americans to fend for themselves, then took a helicopter to his beach house that’s far away from the public… Soulless ghoul.”
  • Ram Prasad, entrepreneur: “He was never a leader. Forever the VEEP. Has been a miserable failure on multiple fronts. Covid. Border. Afghanistan. Inflation. A much bigger conman than Trump”
  • Bruno Maçães, political commentator: “One reason I was stunned at Biden’s comments today is I remembered how often he and his people attacked Trump for not adopting a federal approach. But what’s even more stunning is neither he nor his people remember it.”

Biden’s disastrous remarks come as coronavirus cases have skyrocketed across the country in recent days as he fails to “shut down the virus,” which he pledged to do on the campaign trail. More Americans have now died from coronavirus under Biden’s leadership than died under former President Donald Trump.

Polling released on Sunday by Civiqs found that only 37% of Americans approve of the job that Biden is doing in office. Numerous other polls have his approval ratings in the high-30s or low-40s.

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Source: Dailywire

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