Hilaria Baldwin is really hoping 2022 treats her family better than 2021 did.

The 37-year-old yoga enthusiast shared a family photo to Instagram alongside a lengthy, emotional post which indirectly addressed the drama she’s been facing lately. This may be connected to the recent incident with her husband, Alec Baldwin. The actor fatally shot Halyna Hutchins and wounded director Joel Souza in an apparent gun incident in October on the set of the movie “Rust.”

But Hilaria insists that their recent bout of misfortune is just proof that this year has to be good because it couldn’t possibly get worse. “Apparently 2022 is going to be flawless. We have dealt with so much awfulness lately, so it must be about time, right?” Hilaria wrote in the photo caption.

The yoga instructor went on to describe how she was originally worried about posting these types of thoughts on social media.

“I planned a whole post & year dedicated to the best year ever. Then I got scared-what if more horrible things happen & I can’t make it all good for everyone?” Hilaria continued in the Instagram photo caption. 

“Then I realized that this thinking is the problem. Life is naturally flawed. It’s beautiful & tragic, happy & sad. There is no magical: it’s just gonna be good. Because we know when it inevitably isn’t, so many of give up and throw in the towel.”

“It’s about HOW we ride the ups and downs of life’s waves that will partly determine our quality of life,” she added. “How we take care of ourselves, how we take care of each other.”

Hilaria also discussed how this year for the Baldwins would be about “kindness” and how she hoped to focus on seeking kindness in the world to “dissolve negativity.”

“Kindness nurtures others and the world we inhabit and leave to our children. Kind also just feels good… the kindness well is never empty-IF we continue to fill it with our will, action and determination,” she said. 

“The average person is not very vocal about all the nice things we think and feel. We just scroll on with our lives, not taking time for random acts of kindness. Imagine if we began to go out of our way to be kind. It costs nothing and we all have the capacity for kindness. When I hear something kind, it makes my heart so full & helps so much to dissolve negativity.”

Alec also shared some thoughts for 2022 on his Instagram page. The actor posted a 13 minute long video where he discussed seeking “spiritual counsel” following the incident and thanking everyone who stood by him following the “Rust” tragedy. 

“I’ve had more people who have been kind and thoughtful and generous of spirit than I’ve had, you know, people who are malignant,” the “30 Rock” alum said. “The death of Halyna Hutchins. I’m not afraid to say that and to couch that in some euphemism… Somebody died, very tragically.”

Alec said he wasn’t into New Year’s resolutions but did want to banish “negative thinking” in 2022.

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Source: Dailywire

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