Viagra is a miracle drug that keeps on growing.

A 37-year-old nurse in England is back on her feet, thanks to the little blue pill.

The fully vaxxed Monica Almeida tested positive for the Chinese Wu-flu on October 31, 2021. Soon she had the Chinese sneeze and pneumonia as well. She also has asthma and is a bit on the portly side.

By November 16 she was in a medically induced coma. That’s when she caught an infection. She also had to undergo a tracheotomy just over two weeks later. She was in bad shape. Her parents were contacted and told to fly in from Portugal to say goodbye.

Before being put into the coma, Almeida agreed to partake in experimental COVID treatments if necessary. She was 72 hours away from having her ventilator turned off when her doctors decided to inject her with a large dose of Viagra.

Viagra dilates blood vessels in the lungs as well as other parts of the body. It also opens airways. Soon Almeida was breathing better.

Almeida claims the Viagra saved her life. Not even two days later, she was showing signs of recovery.

“Within 48 hours it opened up my airways and my lungs started to respond,” Almeida told the press. “If you think how the drug works, it expands your blood vessels. I have asthma and my air sacks needed a little help.”

Despite her having asthma and being a bit chunky, Almeida claims she was surprised COVID hit her so hard and wants others to bend their knees and raise their sleeves.

“I never expected at 37 years of age to get as ill as I did,” Almeida stated. I never thought this would happen to me and I want people to take it more seriously.”

Ironically, at no point in this brief video does she discuss the merits of a brisk walk and an occasional salad. Just a push to get the “vaccine.”

FACT-O-RAMA! The United Kingdom (UK) has a Bat-flu recovery rate of 98.9%.

Almeida is thought to be the first Brit to be saved from a COVID death by taking Viagra, though scientists have been looking at the “happy pill” as a possible treatment since at least April of 2020.

Source: PJ Media

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