Video of the massive Freedom Convoy 2022 rally in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, illustrate how people showed up in massive numbers from daylight through night to protest against the Canadian government’s vaccine mandates. Those mandates would force unvaccinated Canadian truckers crossing into the United States to quarantine once they’ve returned home.

Freedom Convoy spokesman Benjamin Dichter told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, “We’ve seen Canada go from a country of Justin Trudeau’s promises of ‘sunny ways’ into dark authoritarian oppression and control. We want two things: we want to get rid of the vaccine mandates and the passports. And the passports, that’s the really concerning one. Yesterday it was my first time ever crossing the border in my truck with my digital passport, and I held my phone up to the border agent to give him the QR code. You know what he said to me? ‘Oh, it’s okay, I don’t need it.’”

“So what do you mean, you don’t need it?” Richter recalled asking, adding that the agent replied, “Your phone already popped up on my screen and is correlated with your passport.”

“Think of that,” Richter said. “Can you believe that? So they know everybody who’s coming up to the border before they’re there and they’re tracking them. Maybe it’s outlandish, but what’s to prevent the government from introducing that across Canada and not limiting it to just borders?”

The New York Times reported, “One group affiliated with the convoy intended to try, for a second time, to convince the governor general, Canada’s official (if ceremonial) head of state as Queen Elizabeth’s representative, and the appointed members of the Senate to strike down all pandemic laws and rules imposed by all levels of government.” The Times added, “Throughout Saturday, the vehicles clogged the streets in and around Parliament, most of them bearing flags or signs denouncing public health measures related to the pandemic.”

Jay Hill, a former Conservative member of Canada’s parliament, stated:

This thing has really taken on a life of its own. The vast majority of the people that have either come on board to participate in the truck convoy or those donating to support it financially have just reached a point of frustration and exasperation with these lockdowns and continuation of restrictions that they want someone to speak up and say “enough” to the federal government.

“Mr. Trudeau’s new cross-border mandate has raised concerns for other reasons. Like many countries, Canada is dealing with rising inflation and a supply chain already strained by the pandemic, labour shortages and bad weather. Prices are on the rise, including for food and petrol. It’s been getting harder to find some products on grocery store shelves — and Canada’s economy is heavily dependent on the men and women who drive the vast majority of food and goods consumed in in the country across the border,” the BBC noted.

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Source: Dailywire

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