MSNBC took some backlash Saturday after a tweet — posted by the network’s official Twitter account — openly attacked conservatives.

“Conservatives don’t mind affirmative action hires so long as the people hired fit their preferred demographic,” the tweet read.

“I love that MSNBC isn’t even trying to hide their bias anymore,” Caleb Hull tweeted.

“Conservatives’ preferred demographic: Applicant best suited for the job, irrespective of identity,” Fox News personality and Marine veteran Johnny Joey Jones added.

“Hey @MSNBC reel in your interns,” Lauren Chen tweeted. “They forgot you’re supposed to at least pretend to be unbiased.”

“Clarence Thomas didn’t need affirmative action and conservatives *love* him,” independent journalist Kyle Becker said.

“What’s our preferred demographic? If you say ‘white men,’ then this tweet doesn’t make any sense,” The Babylon Bee’s Seth Dillon added.

“This is the account of a news website?” Ryan Girdusky asked.

“When is DirecTV going to sever ties with MSNBC? Asking for AON,” attorney Matthew Kolken added.

The Hill’s media and political columnist Joe Concha added, “Not a tweet from a host or pundit on the network, but from the official feed of an alleged news organization.”

The tweet appeared to be a reference to conservatives who criticized President Joe Biden’s promise to nominate the first black woman to the Supreme Court — a promise he reiterated when Justice Stephen Breyer officially announced his retirement this week.

Following that announcement, a number of people criticized Biden, suggesting that he could have simply quietly chosen black woman who was highly qualified — and that by placing the focus on her race and gender, he had raised the possibility that he was fulfilling a quota rather than choosing based primarily on professional qualifications.

MSNBC’s tweet appeared to take a position similar to the one taken earlier in the week by Ana Navarro on ABC’s “The View” when she suggested that conservatives engaged in “identity politics” when they chose fellow conservatives for certain jobs, arguing that choosing people based on their similar ideological identities was no different than choosing people based on race or gender.

“All politics is ‘identity politics,’” she said during Friday’s broadcast of the midday talk show, arguing that everyone — regardless of race, gender or creed — wanted to vote for someone with whom they identified in some way.

“Why is putting a black woman ‘identity politics’ but putting a conservative, who you agree with ideologically, not ‘identity politics’?” she asked, adding that it was “hypocritical” for people to suggest that race and gender were the only factors that influences “identity politics.”

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Source: Dailywire

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