Megyn Kelly claimed on Thursday there is “zero chance” that Jeff Zucker’s love interest who works at CNN will keep her job after the disgraced network president resigned on Wednesday after revealing a long-term affair with a fellow executive staff member.

“There is zero chance she’s keeping her job. More is coming,” Kelly tweeted in response to a call that, “Zucker’s girlfriend should be fired too.”

Kelly also responded on Wednesday to CNN afternoon anchor Alisyn Camerota’s comments that appeared to defend Zucker and his colleague Allison Gollust with whom he had a long-term undisclosed relationship.

“Tell it to the women who got passed over for a promotion so the boss’s lover could have the spot. Are there any? Have you checked? Then stop defending this,” Kelly said.

Kelly also blasted Zucker’s affair with a fellow employee in an earlier post.

“To those confused re: why J. Zucker’s affair w/an employee is a big deal: let’s imagine that it actually began earlier than they say. That he was sleeping w/her while promoting her up the ranks over other qualified folks. That he made her an EVP w/o disclosing any of it. Problem?”

Kelly has been closely following reports regarding the Zucker scandal. On Wednesday, she interviewed the person responsible for breaking the news on her SiriusXM program.

She also shared the information that Gollust, who served as Zucker’s executive vice president, previously worked as former New York Democratic Mayor Andrew Cuomo’s communications director.

As The Daily Wire reported on Wednesday, prior to that, Gollust served as the executive vice president of corporate communications at NBCUniversal, where Zucker then served as chief executor. Gollust released a statement on Wednesday claiming their “relationship changed during Covid,” as The New York Times reported:

Jeff and I have been close friends and professional partners for over 20 years. Recently, our relationship changed during Covid. I regret that we didn’t disclose it at the right time. I’m incredibly proud of my time at CNN and look forward to continuing the great work we do everyday.

On January 4, RadarOnline reported after CNN anchor Chris Cuomo was fired:

Multiple sources have confirmed CNN President Jeff Zucker and Allison Gollust, the cable giant’s Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, have been involved in a clandestine romance dating back years. “The talk in the corridors of CNN about Jeff and Allison’s purported relationship complicates the sticky decision to fire Chris,” said one highly placed source. “Have they sullied the network’s reputation? One could argue they have; it just hasn’t been made public yet.”

The New York Times first reported the news of Zucker’s resignation after obtaining an internal CNN memo he sent to CNN employees. A portion of the memo read:

As part of the investigation into Chris Cuomo’s tenure at CNN, I was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, someone I have worked with for more than 20 years. I acknowledged the relationship evolved in recent years. I was required to disclose it when it began but I didn’t. I was wrong.

As a result, I am resigning today.

I came to CNN on January 28, 2013. Together, we had nine great years. I certainly wish my tenure here had ended differently. But it was an amazing run. And I loved every minute.

I am grateful to the thousands of incredibly talented CNN and Turner Sports employees who helped make this such a joy for me, and a success for all of us.

I wish each of you nothing but the best in the years ahead.

With gratitude and much love.


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Source: Dailywire

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