Signs in a hallway reminds students to wear masks and distance themselves at Fox Trail Elementary School, Friday, Oct. 9, 2020, in Davie, Fla. Broward County, Florida schools began a phased reopening for face-to-face eLearning Friday. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

Dr. Scott Gottlieb said he expects governors across the U.S. to start lifting mask mandates in schools. In a Sunday interview, the former FDA commissioner and now Pfizer board member said mask mandates may be lifted in districts with low COVID infection rates.

Gottlieb then claimed many children have been deprived of normal schooling for two-years now and education must get back to normal. He added,  lifting mask mandates poses some “risk” despite some studies suggesting only very specific face masks work.

“I think we’re two-weeks out, we’ve seen prevalence come down,” said the doctor. “Connecticut — their mask mandate expires on February 15th. I would expect that’s not going to be renewed and schools in the state of Connecticut will very quickly lift mask requirements for students. I think you’re going to see the same thing in New York, New Jersey, other states where Omicron has come down where vaccination rates are especially high.”

Gottlieb also appeared to endorse mass vaccination of children while asserting that high vaccine rates may help contain the spread of coronavirus.

Source: One America News Network

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