Someone really should do something about all the racism on college campuses. Among those Leftist institutions there appears to be more racist-y racist racism than anywhere else in rest of the United States of America. People worried about racism should think about pulling their students out of these Leftist institutions that produce all these racists.

Take the recent Southern Illinois University Edwardsville incident, in which a black female student discovered sticky notes scrawled with racist messages on her dormitory door. A racist sent the student racist text messages and someone even sent racially insensitive death threats. Horrible.

The victim reported the incidents on Jan. 23, 2022. Students were in an uproar. The College Fix reports that students were unslakable in their thirst to expel and ruin the person or persons responsible. Protests ensued.

The Fix reported that the notes said “DIE BITCH” and “BLACK PEOPLE DON’T BELONG.” Evidence of a racist text message thread with the victim in the fall of 2021 were turned over to campus police.

Local news covered the student protests calling for the scalp of a “white female student” who was at that point the subject of an investigation. The head of the Black Student Union demanded she be kicked out before the results of the investigation were returned because “I feel like she shouldn’t be on campus period. Because you threatened to lynch students on this campus.” He predicted that the black student population at the school would dwindle because of this incident.

The entire SIU Edwardsville campus apparatus was deployed to mitigate the damage to the students’ psyches. Police, housing, the campus EEOC office, Title IX officials, and even the Secret Service immediately sprang into action to soothe students and punish the perpetrator.

The white student was cleared, and we now know who the perpetrator is, according to charging documents.

The perpetrator, it turns out, is also the victim.

Authorities charged Kaliyeha Clark-Mabins on Friday with three counts of disorderly conduct for reporting a hate crime. Clark-Mabins stirred up the campus with the hoax and created division among the community. A fellow student’s reputation was sullied because she was wrongly accused. Her peers wanted her tossed off campus. Where does she go to get her reputation back?

The administration claimed that such hate crime hoaxes are “isolated and rare” but did note that this incident should remind everyone “how important it is to preserve and protect due process and fairness.”

As I pointed out in PJ Media in December after a jury convicted Jussie Smollett of making up his “hate crime,” there are so few racist incidents that people have to make them up. “[As] commentator Clay Travis once said of Jussie in 2019, ‘The demand for racist hate far exceeds the supply of any racist hate incidents.’ Because of this, we are seeing one racial hoax charade after another.”

People just aren’t happy until they become a victim — the highest form of power on the Left.

Source: PJ Media

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