Jim Lamon, a Republican candidate in Arizona running for the U.S. Senate, released a controversial new ad this week that will run during the Super Bowl on Sunday.

In the ad, which takes place in an Old West-style town, an old man yells “It’s the D.C. Gang!” as three figures – two men and one woman – walk up the main street.

The figures are then introduced as “Old Joe” (Joe Biden), “Shifty Kelly” (Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona), and “Crazy Face Pelosi” (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California). A man wearing chaps and a leather vest with a Sheriff’s star on it approaches the gang, introduced as Jim Lamon.

“Well, if it isn’t Big Jim Lamon,” the stand-in for Biden says in mocking tone.

Townspeople then start yelling things. “We’re tired of being pushed around,” one says.”

“And inflation,” another says. “And open borders,” a woman chimes in. “And gas prices!” a man driving a horse-drawn carriage yells from the back.

Lamon is then joined by Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb and National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd.

“The good people of Arizona have had enough of you,” Lamon says. “It’s time for a showdown.”

The “D.C. Gang” then draw their weapons, prompting Lamon to do the same. He fires three shots, taking out just the weapons of each of the politicians and sending them running away. No one was even fake physically hurt during the ad, but Democrats and others may find it in poor taste for Lamon to take a shot at Kelly, husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was famously shot by a mentally ill man in 2011 during a campaign stop.

Democrats are also likely to claim its sexist to dub Pelosi “Crazy Face.”

Lamon is running to unseat Kelly in the 2022 elections. His biography on his website states:

Jim is a veteran himself, having served six years as an Army Airborne Officer, with three of those in Germany during the Cold War, where he saw the stark difference between American freedom and Communist oppression.

To focus on his commitment for AZ US Senate, Jim sold his company at the end of 2021.

Jim has always prioritized hiring veterans and over 20% of Jim’s company’s staff served in the United States Military — four times the national average of those who have served.

Jim’s company was also an industry leader in pursuing a “Made in America” policy, with seventy percent (70%) of company dollars spent staying in America. In its first eight years in business they spent more than $3 billion on American steel, electrical cable, and construction workers.

A 30 second version of the ad will air during the Super Bowl on local stations, while a longer director’s cut will be available online.

The Cook Political Report rates Kelly’s senate seat as a “toss up” meaning Kelly will have to fight for his re-election.

Lamon is one of multiple Republicans running for the GOP nomination, including author Blake Masters, who has aligned himself with former President Donald Trump, and current Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who recently asked the Department of Health and Human Services to prohibit racial discrimination in COVID-19 treatments. Brnovich noted that if the administration “ignores or denies this request and continues this blatant discrimination,” he could file a lawsuit.

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Source: Dailywire

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