FILE – Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) speaks during a press conference at the U.S. Capitol on December 20, 2018 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

November’s victory is already in the air for Republicans as more come out and state for certain the party will retake the House with a red wave. On Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said the party would for sure take back the House, so he’s focusing on what a Republican House should be doing.

“I’m not worried about us taking back the House,” asserted the South Carolina lawmaker. “We’re gonna take back the House unless we really screw this thing up. What I’m looking for is an America first agenda, like the contract for America, you remember 1994.”

In the House, Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) feels very confident about becoming the next Speaker of the House. He isn’t talking about his hopes for if he is elected, but what he’s planning on delivering on when the party takes the majority. McCarthy wants a parents bill of rights and to reform how the House has operated under current Speaker Nancy Pelosi (R-Calif.).

“We’ll change up the inner workings of Congress itself,” said the California lawmaker. “Now, members don’t even have to show up. They can just vote by proxy. I think that’s wrong. People should show up for work. We’ll make sure bills go through committees, unfortunately today that’s not the case. We’re going to open the people’s House back up to the people.”

It’s not just Republicans who think the party will retake the House. For more than a year, Democrats have promised the only way out of the coronavirus pandemic is to force facial coverings and vaccines onto everyone. Democrat approval ratings began dropping very quickly with the collapse accelerating after numerous foreign and domestic failures.

Democrats are trying to rebuild their base of support and have done a complete 180 on support for restrictions. With poll numbers on COVID collapsing and most Americans opposing restrictions now, the chair of the House Campaign Committee, Sean Patrick Maloney, has decided it is time to move on.

“People are sick to death of this pandemic,” said Maloney. “We believe that because of the President’s leadership and the Democratic plan to beat the virus, that we will be in a position to communicate a clear off ramp and to make sure people will be in a position to care for themselves and their families. That we trust parents to know best for their children and their schools.”

Joe Biden’s aggregate polling has him below 40 percent, which is a record low for the first year of any administration. Congressional Democrats are not faring much better as they are underwater by more than three-points in the generic congressional ballot. Republicans need to net only five seats to retake the chamber.

Source: One America News Network

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