Eric Trump told Daily Wire host Candace Owens in an exclusive interview Tuesday that he’s frankly “pissed off” about what’s going on with the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States, highlighting mandates from the Biden administration and other Democratic leaders that have cost Americans’ their livelihood, including formerly media-praised pandemic first responders.

“What is your opinion, in general, on the COVID vaccination situation?” Owens asked Eric.

“Pissed off,” he responded bluntly.

“Not because I’m an ‘anti-vaxxer,’ but because you have a political party going around for years and years and years, going, ‘my body my choice,’ and it pertained to abortion. Then all of sudden, it’s no longer your body your choice,” Eric said.

“This hit me in a very personal way,” the businessman continued.

A Secret Service agent who was assigned to Eric for nearly the entire duration of the Trump presidency was fired and missed out on their pension for not being vaccinated, Eric explained. “I think it’s so wrong,” he added.

Health care workers once praised as heroes are now being fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccination, Eric noted. “It doesn’t matter that you were there when things were really bad,” he said. “Now you either do what we tell you or we’re gonna fire you like a dog.”

Owens then asked Eric about an apparent “disconnect” former President Donald Trump has on the issue of vaccine mandates, while noting that Trump did tell her he was against such mandates during their exclusive sit-down interview in December.

“There’s definitely a disconnect between him and his supporters on the vaccine,” Owens said. “I think he’s not understanding why they don’t think it’s great, and we’re like, how do you not see the authoritarianism that’s come behind this and what the vaccine has come to represent?”

“I think he very much does,” Eric said of his father. “I disagree, in saying that, I think he very much does [understand that].”

Eric went on to underscore the importance of “choice” when it comes to getting the vaccine. He also noted that people of different ages and different healths will have to weigh what’s best for them, individually.

When Owens sat down with former President Trump in an exclusive interview, he praised his administration’s accomplishment of getting the vaccine to Americans in record time and championed the effectiveness of the shot. Trump also told Owens he’s against the vaccine being mandated, as well as mandates forcing children to wear masks. The Daily Wire reported:

“Where do you stand on these vaccine mandates?” Owens asked Trump. “Obviously, I know that you are pro-vaccine … you did everything you could to get this vaccine out. I know where you stand on the vaccine.”

“It was one of the greatest achievements — we did it in less than nine months,” Trump responded.

“100%,” Owens agreed. “But now it’s taken a twist, right? … We went from: this a good thing, people should have this option, to: military men, you’re going to have to resign because you’re not getting this vaccine.”

“Well, I stand on — forget about the mandates, people have to have their freedom,” the former president answered.

Become a Daily Wire member to watch Owens’ full conversations with Eric Trump and former President Trump, as well as stream dozens of other full episodes of “Candace.”

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Source: Dailywire

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