Los Angeles County district attorney George Gascón acknowledged on Sunday that he may not have properly handled the case of Hannah Tubbs, a 26-year-old transgender woman who was sentenced to just two years in a juvenile facility for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl. 

“While for most people several years of jail time is adequate, it may not be for Ms. Tubbs,” the progressive DA said in a statement saying he may have handled Tubbs’s case differently if he knew about the molester’s “disregard for the harm” committed against the young victim.

“After her sentencing in our case, I became aware of extremely troubling statements she made about her case, the resolution of it and the young girl that she harmed,” he added.

Fox News obtained jailhouse recordings of Tubbs’s speaking with Tubbs’s father in which the molester laughs about the lack of consequences for the crime.

The conversation also include “explicit remarks about the victim that are unfit to print,” according to Fox News.

“I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty,” Tubbs says in one recording. “They’re gonna stick me on probation, and it’s gonna be dropped, it’s gonna be done, I won’t have to register, won’t have to do nothing.”

The recordings have surfaced one month after Tubbs pleaded guilty to the attack in a women’s restroom at a Denny’s restaurant in 2014. At the time of the attack, Tubbs was 17-years-old and still identified as a man named James Tubbs.

Tubbs was arrested nearly eight years after perpetrating the crime and later began identifying as a woman, prosecutors said. Despite being 26-years-old now, Tubbs was sentenced to two years in a juvenile facility because Gascón did not file a motion to move the case into adult court.

Judge Mario Barrera said at a hearing last month that his hands were tied in sentencing Tubbs because of Gascón’s failure to file the request to move the case into adult court.

However, deputy district attorney Shea Sanna told the New York Post on Monday that Gascón has long been aware of the jailhouse recordings despite his comments on Sunday. Sanna said that the DA never contacted him though he was the lead prosecutor in Tubbs’s case.

“George Gascón was in possession of all evidence and knew or should have known of every statement made by Tubbs when he said he still believes Tubbs should be tried as a juvenile,” Sanna said. “Gascón knew about all 250 plus jailhouse tapes and removed me from the case the night before the hearing where I was going to play the tapes.”

Source: National Review

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