On Friday morning, Mike Pompeo, President Trump’s former Secretary of State, spoke at CPAC. He not only mocked Joe Biden, but he contrasted Biden’s incompetence with the solid policy and leadership of the Trump years.

“The other day, President Biden said — he was in one of his moments, he was kind of wandering around — he said, ‘Well, they’re against all these things that I’m doing, what are Republicans for?’”

Pompeo told the CPAC audience that the priority is making sure the Democrats don’t own a single branch of government “as quickly as we possibly can.”

The second thing, Pompeo said, is to disrupt the system of the establishment, to stop doing the things that make no sense. “Republicans are prepared to do the right thing to protect the American way of life everywhere and always,” he said.

Then, of course, the next thing on the list was defending our border and “protecting American sovereignty.”

Pompeo also spoke proudly of how, when he was first sworn in as Secretary of State, American tax dollars were being used to promote abortions around the world. “In an instant, we stopped it,” he said. He reminisced about how when the Trump administration came in, they were considered “barbarians” who didn’t know what they were doing.

“We look pretty competent now,” he quipped. “I say that not in joy but in sorrow because America demands good leadership, and the world is depending upon us.”

How true. We’re sadly lacking in leadership these days under Joe Biden. Hopefully, by the time Republicans regain the majority in Congress and then the White House, it won’t be too late.

Source: PJ Media

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