Cuba, Missouri – Before I went out to support the U.S. truckers’ convoy in my home state of Missouri, several people warned me. They acted as if I were going into battle. They feared I would be politically persecuted.

That is exactly why I went with my husband and children, because it is our constitutionally backed inherent right to peacefully assemble.

If others are too afraid to stand on an overpass waving a flag, that’s on them. Cowardice is everywhere in this country, and that’s why corruption has continued to breed.

The truckers are not going into D.C. proper. That was never the plan. What they are doing is driving cross-country for our rights: yours, mine, and theirs. And the sight of it is breathtaking. I’ve never seen anything like it.

My children witnessed something grander than words can describe—miles and miles of hopeful peace-loving Americans who have come together to protect our rights: the right to come together, the right to make medical decisions for ourselves, and mainly the right to protest when the government tries to chip away at our freedoms.

In Missouri, The People’s Convoy was led in by a police escort. Once parked at the Midwest Petroleum Travel Center in Cuba, Missouri, it was like a party. I had seen the biggest parade of my life and now everyone was invited to come together.

Missouri Senate candidate Eric Greitens was there. I had no idea who he was when I talked to him. I just followed the crowd to find out where to take our donations. Since he was being interviewed, I figured he would know. Once the local news moved on, he was very friendly. He smiled, asked my name, and shook my hand. Then he directed me to the convoy leader.

It was time for the people to mingle with the truckers. We placed our donations of food, water, and gas cards together for the truckers. The energy was so wonderful. We all got to laugh, smile, tell stories, pray, dance, and celebrate being free Americans.

I spoke with a retired trucker who came out to support his men. He drove for 44 years and was so proud just to be there. A prayer group from Idaho circled together to honor the cause. I even bumped into an old high school acquaintance even though we were miles away from our childhood county. Then the leader of the convoy got up and gave an inspiring speech.

He spoke about how we must preserve our freedoms and protect our rights. He thanked everyone for coming out and even noted the flag that had been brought to the stage was donated from the son of a World War II vet who had died for his country. That flag returned home draped over a casket, but at this moment it waved before all of us.

During this speech, the most memorable words stuck with me. He said, “I don’t care where you come from, what you look like, or who you worship. We’re Americans!”

The convoy has reasonable, clear demands ─ for the Biden administration to drop the COVID-19 national state of emergency, so government overreach and martial law can no longer rule. It doesn’t matter if mask mandates are dropped, or if vaccine requirements no longer stand, so long as the national state of emergency is in effect, the elites in power can take more of our freedoms away, and they know that.

Too many people have gotten comfortable being distanced and used as political pawns. Too many people believe that protests are futile, and that’s exactly why The People’s Convoy must succeed.

Yes, the biased corporate news media may try to paint The People’s Convoy as some fringe terrorist group. The elites in Washington might lay traps for our American truckers. There may be political persecution.

But those are the risks they are willing to take to defend what’s ours. It is a courageous act that harms no one, and should be supported by every single citizen of this country.

Source: The Federalist

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