The rise in anti-Asian hate crimes over the past year has been horrifying to behold. In New York City, people of Asian ethnicity who are peacefully minding their own business are at elevated risk of being sucker-punched, knocked down, or shoved in front of subways.

An objective observer might think the attacks were part of a bigger picture; perhaps the Left’s idiotic policies of dropping bail and decriminalizing sociopathic behaviors in an effort to keep their beloved minorities out of prison are putting more violent felons on the streets. But I guess destitute and severely mentally ill people can’t be expected to put up bonds, after all!

These freely roving menaces assault plenty of citizens, and not just Asians. In a piece I wrote for PJ Media VIP subscribers, I detailed some high-profile crimes from a single week in January: “in Los Angeles, a man walked into an upscale furniture shop on Thursday afternoon and stabbed a beautiful young grad student to death (he’s still at large); earlier that same day in L.A., a homeless man punched a nurse on her way to work so hard that she cracked her head on the pavement and died three days later; and on Saturday in New York City, still another homeless man shoved a woman in front of a subway train, killing her.”

The beat(ings) goes on. On Tuesday, the NYC “justice” system set Frank Abrokwa, 37, free following his arraignment for assaulting an innocent woman, who was waiting for the train home after work, with his own poop. Breitbart reports:

“Hey, mami, hey, mami, why don’t you talk to me?” Abrokwa allegedly said, per the Daily News. After the victim ignored him, he walked into an idling subway car, defecated into a plastic bag, and returned to the woman to wipe his feces on her face, prosecutors say.

“You like this, b—h?” Abrokwa asked the victim, according to prosecutors.

This was Abrokwa’s 45th arrest, by the way. Some of his previous episodes allegedly include calling a Brooklyn man an “f***ing Jew,” spitting on him, and throwing hands at him, as well as randomly punching at least two other male commuters in the face.

As awful as these ongoing crimes are, Progressive pols, prosecutors, and the everyday woke citizens of Gotham simply can’t muster the righteous anger necessary to crack down on the violent, squalid criminals, insane or not, who prowl the streets. So many of them represent those who are systematically oppressed by institutionalized racism, you see. It simply wouldn’t be fair to expect them to be further inconvenienced by our unfair system. Normal people will just have to take it on the chin and check their privilege.

Until now, that is. On Wednesday, police arrested the vilest criminal ever to commit unprovoked hate crimes against seven Asian and Asian-American women, and this time, New Yorkers can be expected to come down on him like a ton of bricks.

At first blush, the story reads like just another evening in NYC. The New York Daily News reports that the homeless man allegedly …

… punched, elbowed and shoved seven Asian women as he made his way from Midtown down to Nolita, then back up to Greenwich Village, between roughly 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, cops said.

He first struck a 57-year-old woman at Madison Ave. and E. 30th St. about 6:30 p.m., punching her in the face, then attacked a 25-year-old woman in the face and arm at Fifth Ave. and E. 30th St., cops said.

At 6:45 p.m., he punched a third woman, 21, in the face at Park Ave. South and E. 23rd St., and did the same to a 25-year-old at Irving Place and E. 17th St. a few minutes later.

He then elbowed two victims in the face, a 19-year-old woman at Union Square East and E. 17th St. at 7:05 p.m., and a 25-year-old at E. Houston and Mott Sts. at 7:25 p.m., cops said.

Finally, he shoved a 20-year-old woman to the ground at Broadway and E. Eighth St., just after 8:30 p.m.

But there’s a twist to this story that all but guarantees the perp will become the poster boy for anti-Asian hate crime. Can you spot the reason in this police video?

Having trouble figuring it out? Perhaps the police description will help:

Police on Tuesday released video footage of the suspect, described as a blond man with a light complexion, wearing a light blue T-shirt, dark-colored pants, dark-colored shoes and a multicolored backpack.

New York City has already reported more than twice as many anti-Asian hate crimes in the first two months of 2022 (seven) as compared with 2021 (three). There were a total of 131 such attacks in NYC in all of 2021, as opposed to a mere 27 in 2020.

Leftists will tell you that Donald Trump caused all these attacks by saying that COVID-19 originated in China (aka the truth). The rest of us, who are still capable of critical thought, suspect it has more to do with the ransacking of law enforcement and obliteration of society’s safeguards perpetrated by the Left in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

New York has joined other major, Left-run cities in the suicidal trend of releasing violent repeat offenders on their own recognizance. 29-year-old Steven Zajonc, the man being charged with this non-deadly spree (did any of the victims even need a trip to the hospital?), presents an interesting case. It will be fascinating to see whether he, too, is released without bail.

Source: PJ Media

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