Embattled cable news network CNN, which is already struggling with low ratings, has announced that it will no longer broadcast in Russia.

Unlike other companies that are taking a moral stand against Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine, CNN’s reason for no longer broadcasting Russia is, well … kind of hilarious. According to a report from Reuters, CNN decided to pull out of Russia after a new law was passed there, threatening jail for anyone who intentionally spreads “fake” news.

“Russian officials have said that false information has been spread by Russia’s enemies such as the United States and its Western European allies in an attempt to sow discord among the Russian people,” the report explains. “Lawmakers passed amendments to the criminal code making the spread of ‘fake’ information an offence punishable with fines or jail terms. They also imposed fines for anyone calling for sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Ukraine.”

This is probably as close as we’ll get to CNN admitting that they are fake news. I bet Donald Trump is having a good laugh at this story.

A spokesperson for CNN says that the network “will stop broadcasting in Russia while we continue to evaluate the situation and our next steps moving forward.”

It remains to be seen whether CNN will consider reporting the news fairly and honestly, in order to resume broadcasting in Russia in hopes of getting those much-needed viewers back.

Other news organizations, including BBC and Canadian Broadcasting Corp, have also suspended reporting from Russia because of the law.

Source: PJ Media

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