While running for president, Joe Biden pointed out that “the words of a president matter. They can move markets. They can send our brave men and women to war. They can bring peace.”  That sentiment about the weight of the words of a president was meant to be a slight against Donald Trump, yet after last week it seems that they were really a warning about him—and everyone who voted for him should have known better.

Within a matter of days, Biden suggested that NATO would use chemical weapons against Russia, told U.S. troops they were going to Ukraine, and inadvertently called for regime change.

It’s unlikely that Biden understood the severity of his off-script words or the effort it took the White House to clean up after him—particularly after he insisted that Putin “cannot remain in power.” 

While many on the right saw this as a sign that it is time to have a serious discussion about invoking the 25th Amendment, the mainstream media did its best to downplay what happened. 

Here at PJ Media, we won’t turn a blind eye to Joe Biden nearly dragging us into another World War. And by joining PJ Media VIP, you can help us counter Biden’s influential cheerleaders in the mainstream media who care more about protecting him than anything else.

Can you believe that Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson claimed that Biden’s ad-lib about Putin wasn’t a gaffe? Despite claiming so, he nevertheless suggested, “a White House sound engineer should cut Biden’s microphone whenever he strays from prepared remarks.”

Some of Biden’s supporters in the media have even suggested that Biden’s gaffe wasn’t just a good thing but also Biden’s finest hour. Former CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller praised Biden’s regime change gaffe, insisting that it “tops Reagan’s 1987 ‘tear down this wall’ speech.” Bill Kristol also made the same comparison, as did the notorious anti-Trump former conservative Jennifer Rubin, who claimed, “Biden makes a speech akin to those at the Brandenburg Gate by JFK and Reagan. In a square with a crowd. His delivery is quite strong.”

If you’re laughing, you’re not alone. But this isn’t actually funny. This is the media going to extreme lengths to defend the indefensible. 

Make no mistake about it: the media will always cover for Joe Biden. They will spin his most dangerous gaffe into historic moments of leadership and resolve. They’ll prop Biden up as a strong and confident leader, hoping that it will become true if they repeat the lie often enough. We can’t let that happen, and we need your help to get the facts out. 

By joining PJ Media VIP, you help us hold Joe Biden and the mainstream media accountable. Use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for 40% off your membership—our largest discount ever! You can’t afford to not take this deal!

With your help, we can continue to cover the stories that the MSM wants to hide. By becoming a VIP subscriber, you help us force the MSM to acknowledge stories that are devastating to the narrative they want to promote. Please join the fight and help us do the job the MSM refuses to do!

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Source: PJ Media

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